Friday, February 1, 2013

We're having a...


Go team pink! lol. Everyone had guessed this baby would be a girl and they were all right!

She looks healthy and was very active during the ultrasound. She had her feet up by her head the whole time the tech was doing the ultrasound. She decided to stretch out before the Dr came in though which was cool. He turned the machine to 3D and we got to see her move around and stuff. She decided to flip over on her belly when he was trying to get photos of her little face though. Here are a couple photos though. Last night I even got to feel her move against my hand. Rex tried to feel her move too but I'm not certain if he could or not :) So relieved that everything looks good.

As you notice, we haven't settled on a name yet. But as soon as we do I'll let everyone know!!