Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Let the shopping begin!!

So we went in for our ultrasound Friday (4/16). It was so exciting. Nearly everyone was predicting we would have a girl! Even we were thinking this baby would be a girl, boy were we all wrong! We got to see our son's heart beating and see him move around. Obviously we got to see his "bits" lol... He was holding on to them trying to hide them at first. Too funny! He looks healthy and is measuring well. Although he didn't want to roll over so the tech could get a good view of his heart we could still see the different chambers and stuff. But we may need to go back in for another ultrasound to see if he will cooperate and let us see his heart sometime. We have some ultrasound pics that we'll get scanned and added.

We went to the monthly checkup yesterday and all the blood testing came back great and we got to listen to his heart beating... that's always so cool, its amazing. Dr says things are looking great! He is going to review the ultrasound and the he will decide if we need to go to the specialist or not. It's more of a precautionary thing since I have to take asprin for my blood issues.

Also the MS walk was Saturday. Mom and dad couldn't make it down since they are saving money to move down here in a couple months. Ivy, Jeff and LeeAnn came down though. It was so nice to hang out with them while they were here... the weekend flew by though. I wish they could have stayed longer. They even got the baby a cute little overall outfit. Soooo cute!! He will look adorable in it I'm sure! It's fun that both of us are pregnant. Funny how things work out. Ivy and I are about 5 weeks apart and out babies are due about 6 weeks apart! So cool... I can't wait to find out what they are having. I think they will have a boy too haha... we'll see. I'm happy I get to see them again in June for baby shower!!

So... if you haven't noticed we aren't set on a name for our son yet. We're still up in the air. It's a bit hard since you know he will have this name for his whole life. Right now we're thinking either Sylas or Xavier... but we'll see!! We'll keep everyone posted on the name thing!

I think that's all our updates for now!


  1. I told Ivy that I thought you'd be having a boy! I am so excited for you. It is nice that your parents are moving to be closer. Can't wait until little baby Survis comes!

  2. Love the new wall paper for your blog! So cute! It was so nice to come see you guys, I can't wait for the baby shower in June! So I was thinking it would be really neat if I have a boy but if I end up having a girl we could just arrange their marriage! Then we could really be family. LOL!

  3. Thanks guys! Ivy you're too funny! Keep it in the family haha! Sounds like a plan to me! What a great experience this is!

    Love ya guys!
