Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I've finally decided that the feelings in my body are defiantly the baby. I had thought they were for a while but it feels like tummy rumblings to me lol... But now there is no denying it's him. Last night I laid on my back for a minute and he was rolling all around. Chad even got to feel him move for the 1st time. That was pretty cool espically since it was Mother's Day.

We celebrated Mother's Day by sending my Mom some pretty flowers. They made a surprise visit last week so it was really nice to get to see them. I had been sad that I wasn't going to be able to see my mom near Mother's day. Yesterday we also took Chad's mom out for dinner. We got her a new watch since she had been needing one. It was a nice day.

We spent some time putting up nursery furniture as well. We got the crib together on Saturday and the dresser together yesterday. Both are really sturdy and turned out very nice. His nursery is coming along quite nicely I think. I'm happy I have taken the advice to do this sort of thing in the 2nd trimester while I still have energy and I'm not too huge yet.

We'll that's all for now. This weekend is Simi's graduation party. She graduates next week. I also have a Dr. appt next Monday!



  1. Cute baby bedding! You guys are always so busy!Congrats on feeling little guy move. I bet that is such a great relief!!

  2. Thanks! We got it on overstock for a pretty good deal! I love shopping online hehe... It's really nice to be able to feel him move. Still a bit odd feeling another person living inside you though lol.
