Friday, December 31, 2010


Wow what an amazing year it's been! I must say it's been one of the best of my life. Our year in a nutshell - We have our health, we have our families, we have our friends, we have our jobs... we have eachother - we have our beautiful baby boy!

Chad and I have been very fortunate this year in the way of our health. After a couple years of struggling for both of us this year we got a break!

My parents moved 250 miles closer to us! Unfortunately Chad's brother and sister in law moved like 400 miles away from us. But we have our families. This year we didn't lose any family members - in fact we gained several! We of course gained our son. Cody and Brandi welcomed Aspyn. Ivy and Jeff had baby Kelsey. And Elizabeth and Nic brought baby Bowie into the world! On top of that some of Chad's family found him on facebook! Pretty big family expansion this year!

We have found out who our true friends are this year. They have been there for us and love us. We are thankful and love them as well. A lot of our friends also had babies this year which is really cool too!

Chad and I also have our jobs, which in this economy more than ever we must be thankful! Our jobs provide food on the table, a roof over our heads, heat in the winter and relief from heat in the summer, diapers and all the other baby necessities and also quite a few extras in our lives.

2010 marks our 10 year anniversary of being together and 8 years of marriage. This year was really nice for us as a couple - we've grown closer and have experienced so many things together. I love Chad and I'm so happy he is the father of my son - he is a wonderful daddy and Jadon loves him so much!

Mostly this year was awesome because it started off (Jan 6th to be exact) with the knowledge of our pregnancy and then the welcoming of our heats desire! How much more of a dream come true could Jadon be? He really completes life. What an amazing gift being a parent is. I know there will be challenges but that's ok, it's worth it. Every day he wakes up healthy and happy we are blessed!

I hope everyone else has had a wonderful year as well and if not then I hope 2011 brings you better days!

Cheers to 2011! Goodbye 2010 - you will be remembered!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jadon's 1st Christmas!

Happy Holidays!

We had a lovely Christmas this year. It was so great to have our little bundle of joy to share it with. Really made me feel complete.

We have a HUGE tree in the foyer thanks to my aunt Georgia, it's too large for the house she has now so she gave it to us. It's pretty cool to have a tree that's been in the family and I can remember it being up at her old house. I would like to get a real tree but finding a 9ft tree could be a little crazy and not to mention quite expensive. So we'll stick to the fake one for now. Other than the tree we didn't do much in the way of decorations, just the polar bear outside the door and some garland and a few things around the mantle.

For Christmas Eve we had dinner Gary and Emily and their kiddos which was fun. Christmas morning we had our parents over for breakfast and to open gifts. Jadon sure was spoiled! He got so many nice things, so sweet of everyone to think of him on his 1st Christmas! He wasn't too into the opening of gifts - but at 4 months we didn't really expect him to be. He did help open the 1st couple though he tried to eat the ribbon and then he held on to the paper while I ripped it off, and then about 15 min into present time he decided it was nap time so we just hurried as fast as we could.

Chad and I really don't take for granted spending holidays with our families. It's really special and we enjoy it. This was the 1st year in the past several that we were able to have both my parents and his all together. I'm really happy we all live so close together. We miss our families and friends who we didn't get to spend the holidays with. They were in our thoughts though!

Anyhow - I'm sure everyone wants to see pics but we used the video camera and ended up with not very many pics on the normal camera! I'll have to add what we do have later though.

I hope everyone has had a great Christmas!

Love you all!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tummy Time

Jadon was being happy and enjoying tummy time in his crib this morning. He's defiantly a morning person and he likes to get up very early!! We've been working on rolling over - he did it once all by himself but I'm trying not to get too excited in case it was a fluke :o)

Monday, December 13, 2010

3 months!

Jadon is already 3 months old! (Well 3 months and 1 week lol) That seems like such a milestone for some reason. He's getting so big and discovering new things all the time. He likes to put things in his mouth now - his thumb and fist are his favorite but he also thinks eating the burp cloths is pretty cool. He's tolerating tummy time a lot better lately, we use the boppy pillow to help prop him up sometimes, he seems to like that a bit better.

Jadon got to visit Santa. Twice actually. Santa was at walmart last week when we were there so we stopped by then we visited him again on Saturday while we were doing some shopping at the mall in St George. He was very good both times. I was going to bring the CD with the picture on it so I could add it to this post but I forgot so I'll have to remember to grab it.

Anyhow - things are good. We really enjoy our little dude and it's fun to watch him learn a grow. I cant wait for Christmas - but I'm really looking forward to next year when he'll be able to enjoy it a bit more!

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

So here's a well known fact - I'm pretty spoiled. Have been all my life, it's just the way it is :o)

Seems like my birthday has a tendency to go on for several days - which is always pretty cool! On Wednesday I received a card from my in laws then on Thanksgiving I received gifts from Juan & Carrie and the Buchhalter family!

Chad had been planning a surprise for my birthday for months now! So I had been really excited to see what he had been up to. All I knew was that we were leaving Jadon with my parents overnight Friday and we were headed to Vegas.

So we get to town and we go to Treasure Island and check into our room - the front desk guy was so super nice, we ended up with an upgrade to a strip view room and a bottle of champagne! Very cool!

Chad pulled out a couple pieces of paper and they were tickets to Bill Cosby! Front row seats! The show was amazing! He is sooooo funny! We both really enjoyed the show. We enjoyed a few drinks and just hung out without the responsibility of our little dude. We knew he was in great hands so we didn't have to worry.

Then on Saturday we did a little shopping and Chad had found a couple vegan places for us to try! We went to a cafe that served all raw foods - was pretty interesting, not bad. Then we went to an ice cream place called Atomic 7 - wow that place was AMAZING! You custom order your ice cream (should have taken a pic of the menu) and they make it right in front of you within mins using liquid nitrogen. It was very yummy - some of the best ice cream I've ever had - and it was all vegan!

It was really nice to get away - but I did miss little Rex (that's his nickname since he sounds like a dinosaur). It was nice to get home and give him a big hug and kiss and see his wonderful smile!

Sunday we pretty much did our errands and just relaxed a bit.

Monday was my actual birthday and I got sooooooo many facebook well wishes and a few texts and a couple phone calls! Felt very very loved! My mom asked what I wanted instead of a cake and I had been craving her scones so when I got home from work she had brought over some dough and they brought some pretty fall flowers and a really nice card! I had also been craving mashed potatoes and corn - so dinner was just that, mashed potatoes, corn and scones! lol... very odd but exactly what I wanted!

I had a wonderful birthday! I have everything anyone could ever want in life! A great husband, a beautiful son, awesome family and some wonderful friends! Happy birthday to me!!

Love you all!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! There are no materialistic gift exchanges, it's one of the only holidays left that hasn't become so "hallmark", its the start of the winter holiday season, and on Thanksgiving you know if winter hasn't arrived it soon will. And the best part is sharing food and memories with loved ones.

We should all be thankful every day but sadly most of us aren't, so today is a day where everyone in America stops their busy lives for a moment and thinks about what they are thankful for and for a lot of people it's the only time of year they voice it.

I try to show my love and thankfulness on a regular basis. I'm not sure if I do a good job or not though, but I do try. But today I want to take an extra moment and put down in words a few things I'm grateful for this year...

My growing family! Wow - this is absolutely, overwhelmingly the BEST! I have a loving husband whom created and welcomed a child into our lives with me. Jadon is the biggest blessing I have ever been given. He makes my heart sing. The beauty and innocence of a child is amazing. It feels like this really isn't my life sometimes when I look around I don't know how I got so lucky!

Chad has been wonderful, he is an amazing father to our son. He takes on the parenting roll so well and I'm so happy he is getting to experience being a daddy - he really has it in him! He has been a huge help to me and has been very supportive. Having a child after so many years really makes for some adjustments, but its all very, very worth it! I love you babe and thank you from the bottom of my heart for love you show for me and our son. You're quite amazing.

My parents moved down here earlier this year and having them so close has been really great. I know I don't show my love to my parents very well - I'm not sure why and I really dislike the way it comes across sometimes and that is something I have to work on. But my mom and dad always have accepted me for who I am and they know I love them. They have done a lot for Chad and me throughout the years and this year is no exception. I could go on and on about all the things they do but here are just a few things; they have lent us their car since ours has been broken, they help out around our house with laundry and dishes and anything that needs to be done so Chad and I can spend time after work with Jadon and not worry about cleaning and whatnot, and they watch their grandbaby Monday, Wednesday and Fridays while I work full time. Seeing my parents as grandparents is something I longed for for years. I always wanted them to experience this so I'm so very thankful they are. And they embrace every moment with Jadon. It's heartwarming to watch them with him. Thanks for all you do mom and dad. You really are the best parents I could imagine.

Chad's parents have been really wonderful too - they are totally in love with Jadon and they really enjoy spending time with him as well. I'm glad they live close and we are able to help them out and be around them! They have also been a big help watching Jadon Tuesdays and Thursdays and I really appreciate that!

Being able to go back to work and have people who love our son watching him is something I defiantly don't take for granted for a second! I need to work (for a few reasons) and knowing that Jadon is home bonding with his grandparents makes it a whole lot easier on me emotionally.

I'm also very thankful for the people who were there when he was born, who got him to us safely. Also the prenatal care I received while carrying our son was awesome, so I'm glad we live in Mesquite - I don't think we could have gotten better treatment anywhere in the world!

I'm also thankful for...

My family and friends health and well being
My health
Being able to work and provide for our family
Having a home
Having so many people who love us
Finding out who those people really are

I miss people who live far from us, but that's ok. We are all where we are for a reason, and as long as they are all healthy and happy where they are then I'm thankful for that!

I know I'm missing a lot on my list. This past year has given me so much to be thankful for. It's really overwhelming!! All in all, I'm thankful for my live and everyone and everything in it!

Love you all very much!

Monday, November 15, 2010

2 Months!

Wow, being out in the world for a couple of months must be really exciting! So much happens, vision gets better so you can see everyone and everything around you, neck and head strengthen so you can hold your head up to look at everything that you can now see a little more clearly and you grow, grow, grow!!

It's really cool to see his developments, he's really starting to use his voice, he tries to laugh and he makes a bunch of cooing sounds and little random noises. He reaches out to grab things now too and we think he'll be able to roll over pretty soon.

Jadon's 2 month Dr visit was last Thursday November 11th. Dr. Smith seems very happy about his health and his progress, last time he was there he was in the 4th percentile for his weight and now is in the 48th. He is nearly 12lbs and is over 23 inches tall now!! Talk about growing! He got 3 shots (which he did pretty well for) and an oral vaccination and they took a little blood for some testing. She gave us some pointers on dealing with cradle cap and dry skin. We go back in 2 more months for another checkup.

We also went to Sears and had some photos taken earlier this month. He was in such a great mood! They were able to capture his laugh and some really great smiles and he even showed off how well he can hold his head up during tummy time. Of course he managed to scratch his face during the night before picture day, but that's ok they are still way cute.

We're looking forward to the holidays with our son! Thanksgiving (which is my favorite holiday) is just a week and a half away. Then it will be time to put up thw tree! We even bought a few Christmas decorations over the past weekend! I can't wait to get the tree up, Georgia has given us her tree since it's too tall for her new place and we think it's going to look great in the foyer! Much better than our smaller tree that we put up on an end table last year!

Jadon also got a new cousin a few days ago! Aspyn was born Friday evening! She's so cute, she looks a little like Jadon when he was born. She's about the same size too - 6lbs 3oz and 19 inches. Congrats to Cody, Brandi and Jordyn! We're really happy to have a new addition to the Survis family! Can't wait to meet our new niece!

We'll that's all for now!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Eventful Weekend...

First of all, welcome to November!! It's Fall with beautiful weather, Thanksgiving is a few weeks away, followed by my birthday (Chad has something fun planned, I can't wait to find out!) and then Christmas and New Year! Exciting!!

Well this past weekend was pretty eventful, Elizabeth finally had baby Bowie on Friday! Wow she's a big baby, 9lbs 4 oz and 20 inches!! She's really cute and we're very happy for them!

Jadon got to meet his Aunt Brandi and Cousin Jordyn for the 1st time on Friday as well. We exchanged gifts (they got Jadon some really cute clothes and a fun giraffe stacker toy thing) then we all went out to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Survis. We should have taken some pictures at the restaurant but we forgot the camera. Although Cody had to work it was good to see Brandi and Jordyn, it sucks they live so far away and we wont be able to see baby Aspyn until she is a few months old. Baby Aspyn will be arriving in just a couple more weeks! I can't wait to see pictures of her!

This weekend was also Jadon's 1st Halloween. We took him down to a portrait studio that was having a charity event on Saturday. That was kind of fun. He had a little hat that matches his outfit but he HATES hats all the sudden so that wasn't an option. Although I did put it on him Sunday while he was sleeping lol.

Saturday night was a big night - it was Jadon's first night in his crib. He has already out grown the cradle which is quite sad. He did really well. Such a good little boy. He's been smiling at us a lot. He gets this huge smile that makes his eyes squint shut sometimes and its so cute but we cant ever seem to get to the camera fast enough. But we have been catching some smaller smiles on camera lately. Chad got a really cute one the other day of Jadon and I. I'll have to post it.

Anyhow, that was our weekend! Next week Jadon goes in for his 2 month checkup and immunizations... I can't believe he is going to be 2 months already. Today he is 8 weeks old! Wow!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Jadon is so fun. He's developing quite the personality, if you laugh at him he will smile and let out a little laugh. So cute. And wow he is strong, although he isn't the biggest fan of tummy time yet he can hold his head up really well. He likes to be on his tummy on peoples chest but not flat like on the ground or the couch. He is really good at bath time, he seems to enjoy it for the most part. Last night he cried when we took him out - guess he wasnt ready to get out yet lol.

This is the 1st smile we were able to catch on camera. Love this little guy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Back to work!

Well yesterday was my 1st day back to work. I'm not going to lie - it's hard... I miss Jadon and I think about all the thing I'm going to miss while I'm working. But it has to be done. We're really lucky we have our parents to take care of him while we work. I wanted to use intermittent FMLA for the next few months but our company doesnt allow that so I have to work at least 30 hours a week to keep my full time status. So I'm working full days Monday, Wednesday and Friday and half days Tuesday and Thursday's. That will work out well since hopefully I wont feel like I'm always gone.

So, yesterday was my 1st day back and Jamie's last day. Her blood pressure had been giving her issues and she went to lunch to check it and it was very high. She was in the same boat as Ivy but it was going up faster. She was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon and her son was born this morning. He was 5 weeks early but he is a big boy! 6lbs 14oz and 19 inches!! Congrats to them. We're glad all is well.

That's all for now... I miss my little boy. I can't wait to go home to him and give him a big kiss!

Friday, October 8, 2010

One month old!

Jadon is already a month old! I can not believe it! He is getting so big already! He's pretty much out of new born size sleeper outfits, some of the onsies and pants still fit though. He's so cute. He has been smiling a lot lately!!

Last weekend he got to meet a bunch of people! Lu and Georgia came down from Salina to meet him. We left him at my parents for a few hours so he could hang out. Becky was able to come to St George with her friend so we went and got her while Jadon was at grandma and grandpa's house visiting Lu and Georgia. Then Lynn stopped by my parents to visit him since she was in town to see her daughter. So he was a very busy and popular little guy. Lynn even brought him a couple outfits! Then on Monday Nikki from the MS society came over to see him, she and the girls from the office got Jadon a few outfits and toys, that was so sweet of them.

Today I went to the dr for my follow up appointment. Looks like I'm healing well and I have been released to return to work on Monday. It's bitter sweet. I'm glad I'm healing and I am well enough to return to work and I have missed the people. But it's hard to leave the baby. I know its going to be hard and I'm going to miss him.

I'm having a hard time with breast feeding. I'm pumping for him but I'm only getting 50-60% of his daily needs so we are supplementing with formula. I called a lactation specialist yesterday and she gave me some instructions and whatnot but I'm not sure its the direction we want to go. So now I'm just taking some mother milk tea and I'm going to get some pills that are suppose to help me make more milk as well so we're keeping our fingers crossed that this will help me make more for him. But no matter what happens at least I know I have tried and I'm doing the best that I can.

Anyhow I will leave you with a picture of our little guy at one month, taking a nap! He happens to be in the same outfit as last time... it's fitting much better now though lol.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

8 Years!

Well I tried to get this post done yesterday but Jadon wasn't going to let that happen lol.

It's been 8 years since I married the love of my life, my best friend and sole mate! Wow - that day doesn't seem that long ago. What an amazing anniversary - we have Jadon. That is the best gift we could ever have. Chad is an amazing husband. He is very understanding, patient and caring. He takes care of me emotionally and physically whenever I need caring for. Seeing him as a father has made me fall even more in love with him. The gentle loving way he cares for our son is beyond words and melts my heart. I'm truly lucky to have him.

I don't ever want to lose sight that he is my husband and partner in life, not only the father of our child. We're going to try to take time to nurture our marriage and take time for just us. I know sometimes it will be hard but it's very important to us and to Jadon for us to have a strong marriage. My parents tended Jadon so we could go out for dinner. It was a bit hard to leave him for a couple hours, but I knew he was in good hands. It was nice to get out of the house and spend time with just Chad and eat dinner without having to rush.

I can't really put into words the way I feel about Chad. I can just say I'm very very happy. I'm really loving life right now and enjoying every moment!

Love you babe!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 weeks

Well Jadon is now 3 weeks old! Time is really flying and it's hard to find time to keep this blog updated. Jadon is doing really well. We went for his 2 week checkup and got his circumcision done. He had gained weight he is up to 6lbs 8oz. Which is really good and also means we don't have to wake him for feedings, its not something we had to do often but it's nice that he can sleep as long as he would like at night now. He did quite well with his procedure, poor little guy. I'm glad we took care of it now though instead of when he is older. He is pretty much healed now which means he will be able to have a real bath pretty soon!

Our son is pretty amazing... He has everyone wrapped around his little fingers! He's so cute and lovable and smart too! We're getting use to day to day life with a baby. He usually only cries when he is hungry (which is often! I can't keep up so we are supplementing with formula to keep him happy and full) or when he needs to poop, or when he needs a diaper change or once in a while he just cries and we dont know why. That usually happens around 7pm, we have decided that is bewitching hour and we just try to comfort him. Someday maybe we'll figure out what is up with that. He's very strong! He has been able to roll from side to side since he was about a day old, he holds his head up really well and turns to look at whatever catches his beautiful eyes. He can really kick hard too and if you hold him in a standing position he will try to support his weight. He knows how to take the binky out of his mouth, sometimes he can get it back in on his own but not every time, which frustrates him. He defiantly is developing a personality, we can't wait to see more of that shine through.

My parents have been really helpful! Mom comes over to help out when Chad is at work. It's really nice to have the help and my mom really loves spending time with her grandson. They have been really helping with the house work too since Chad is super busy with work and I had a hard time recovering for a couple weeks. Now I'm getting better and I should be more useful soon!

In other news Ivy had Kelsey!! Jadon and Kelsey are 2 weeks apart! Ivy's blood pressure was high and they just couldn't get it under control so they had to induce her. Kelsey was born 9-20-10 she was 4lbs 2.5oz. She gets to go home today!!She is sooo cute and I cant wait to meet her!! Congrats Ivy and Jeff - you're going to be great parents!!

Here is a picture of Jadon at 2 weeks! Taken by our favorite photographer!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Labor Day! 9- 6-2010

I was starting to get some irregular contractions for about a week. Thursday I decided that I wanted a pedicure, I hadn't ever had one but I couldn't stand my toes any more, so I took 1/2 day off on Friday and went and got my toes done, I took mom with me too. Then Mom and I went to St George on Saturday,I had the urge to buy some baby clothes and since it was Labor Day weekend I was sure we could find some deals, and we did. I wasn't having any noticeable contractions or anything so I was thinking walking a lot makes the baby come was a myth. Then Sunday Chad and I went about our normal day, we went out for breakfast and took his parents to the grocery store. By that time I was getting more frequent contractions and Chad decided we should monitor them, so he downloaded an app on his phone and we started keeping track.

My contractions were about 5 min apart and were lasting about a min. They didn't hurt bad, they just felt like mild period cramps. We had plans to eat dinner with our parents at my parents at 5:30. So at about 2 I decided maybe we should go to the hospital to get things checked out, I figured we should go then that way we could avoid me worrying about it or having to go in the middle of dinner or middle of the night. I figured it was just false labor and we would be home in time for dinner...

I was wrong... I was dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced and at -2 station so they told me they were keeping us and we would be having Jadon by morning! When we arrived at the hospital our nurse Sallie was there. I was so happy to see her, I thought she would be off so it was a great surprise!

I didn't want the epidural right away since I wasn't in much pain. After a couple hours of slow progression they decided I need to be on platosin to speed things up. That drug causes your contractions to be closer together and more painful. But I was doing ok with it for a while. Then about 6pm I was starting to hurt pretty bad, I was dilated to a 6 so I told the nurse I would like to get my epidural about 6:30. By 6:30 I was really hurting so I was very happy to see the anesthesiologist. Once he placed the meds I was totally relieved, I could feel things but not pain so I was very happy!

They continued to let my body progress and would turn up the drip on the platosin every once in a while. My parents left to go get some rest since we thought it would probably be morning before Jadon made his appearance. Well they came back in and decided they should get this going so they wanted to break my water. I think I was about a 9 at that point. So Chad called my parents back to the hospital, they didn't get much rest since it had only been a couple hours.

Magda came to visit, she was so great! She ended up staying for the whole birth, which was so relieving so have someone we know so close to be there with all her knowledge. We are truly luck to have so many people who love and care for us!

Anyhow, Dr Ofori came in a broke the water, there was very thick meconium (baby's 1st poop). Which is very scary since when the baby takes it's 1st breath they can aspirate. I started to get upset and scared, we want Jadon more than anything and we want him to get out and be ok. There was a risk of getting a c-section if we couldn't get him out quick enough or if he went into distress. So I knew I had to focus and get him out.

It was time to push... I focused and put all of my energy into every push. I had to push for almost and hour. Dr Ofori had to use a kiwi which is a suction thing that helps get baby out. Once Jadon's head was out Dr suctioned him and then we delivered the rest of him. Chad wasn't able to cut the cord since the situation was urgent so Dr Ofori cut the cord and Jadon started to cry. That was the best sound ever. I knew our baby was ok. They handed him over to the pediatrician and nurse so they could work on him and make sure he was ok. He was fine, his score was an 8 or 9 and they were surprised how clear his lungs were. Magda was great at letting us know what was going on and keeping me comfy.

So 11 hours after we arrived at the hospital Jadon Dade Survis arrived on Labor Day 9-6-10 at 12:48am. He weighed in at 6lbs 5oz 20inches long. He had his eyes open right from birth and has been very alert and active ever since! He had a bit of jaundice so he had to be under the lights for 12 hours but he seems to be quite fine now!

Happy birthday Jadon!! We're overjoyed to have you in our lives!

I'm so glad my parents were there to share this moment with us! Chad, mom and Magda were great at helping me push and getting me through the process.

Here are some pictures of his birth and 1st week! Magda took most of the pictures of the birth and right after since Chad was is awe of all the happenings and his new son.

Sorry it took me so long to get this posted. I'll need to do another post soon about how great it is to have him home and what a wonderful daddy Chad is. Wow our lives are totally blissful!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's September!!

We're going to have a child this month!! Yay!!

Lots of contractions, but nothing regular to measure. My lower back has been hurting and whatnot too...

I'm getting really impatient - I'm uncomfy and I want to meet our son!

Come on out Jadon! We're ready for you!!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Are we ready?? Well I suppose we had better be! Today we went for our 38 week appt and the Dr said I am 2 cm dilated and he could feel Jadon's head! He made my appt for next Tuesday since they will be closed Monday for the holiday but he said he might see me before then in L&D. We're really excited!!

We got a lot done this past weekend, and it's a good thing. We packed the hospital bag and put the car seat in the car. Chad finished decorating the nursery today while I was working and it looks great!! There is just some cleaning I would like to get done before he gets here but I'm not sure if it'll get done or not lol, we'll see.

Here is a picture of his cradle the my parents refinished and pictures of his room!

Maybe next time we'll have pictures of Jadon to share!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ivy's baby shower

It's today! I wish I could be there but Jadon's due date is just too close for me to travel over 300 miles away from home. Even though today I am feeling great and I'm so tempted to get in the car and go, I know it's not the best idea. But she'll be in my thoughts and I hope she has a great time!!

It's so cool that I have been able to go through pregnancy with so many people we know. But it's so special to be able to share this time with Ivy. I wish we lived closer together but that's just not the way the cookie crumbles. It's really neat that Jadon and Kelsey will only be a couple months apart in age since Ivy and I are only about 5 weeks apart. Not having any siblings I have a couple ladies who are like sisters to me - I don't know if I would be any closer to them if we shared parents! And Ivy is one of them. I love her lots!!

I made baby Kelsey a blankey, I really like it and I hope baby Kelsey does too! We also got her a few other things. Putting things into a box just isn't the same as being able to make a fun gift basket to give to someone in person though. Ivy, Amanda and LeeAnn made Jadon so many great things (blankets, burp clothes and even a night light! Not to mention all the help they did for the shower with Becky) that making Kelsey just one blanket doesn't seem like enough, but I'm not so crafty. I'm glad I got the blanket done in time though, considering I still have 4 others sitting there waiting for me!

Anyhow, I just wanted to take a min today to write down my thoughts, I thought it might make me feel better about not being able to be there with her - but I think it's making it worse!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

37 and 1/2 weeks!

Wow we're getting close!

Over the last week or so we have been getting more stuff ready for Jadon's arrival. My parents came over last Thursday and helped clean and get stuff in order. We sorted and took off all the tags on all his little clothes. He has quite the wardrobe! We got most of his laundry done... That was a lot of laundry since we had all his blankeys and bedding and whatnot. We still have to get the decorations up on the walls and get the hospital bag packed and his carseat installed. Hopefully we can get all that taken care of this weekend. We're starting to run out of time! lol.

This weeks Dr appt went well, Jadon is measuring right on track now so I was happy to know he had grown. Although with his continued growth it's getting quite cramped in there which I imagine is getting quite uncomfy for the both of us! Even though he has already dropped I am having bouts of breathing issues the last couple of days, they seem to be mostly in the morning. I plan to bring it up to the Dr on Monday. Jadon hasn't been moving as much has he had been, which is pretty normal but Dr wanted to check on him so they sent us over to the hospital for a non stress test. The nurse that did our labor class was there, it was nice to see a familiar face and to know where we were going and what to expect. I'm really glad we took that class. Anyhow, baby was sleepy so he wasn't moving much. After a while they gave me some OJ and had me roll on my side, that woke him up pretty well and they released us.

Oh, I went swimming with my mom last Sunday, that felt pretty nice, I think if we get everything done (or enough of it done) I will go again this weekend. It seemed to help with the marshmallow feet :o)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

36 weeks!

We went to our 36 week appointment yesterday. Crazy to think we're really at this point!

I'm apparently the worried mother type. The Dr said everything is ok and looks great, but I just worry a little when things change. Jadon is no longer measuring a week and 1/2 ahead, in fact the measurements were the same this week as last. I asked the Dr about it and he said Jadon has dropped pretty deep into my pelvis which is why the measurements are the same. Also his heart rate was lower than it has been at a base line of 128 when its usually up in the 150's. He said its normal for that to happen towards the end of pregnancy. His heart sounded good since it accelerates when he moves around. We talked about when to go to the hospital and he told me to keep an eye on the baby's movements.

So, Jadon is fine, I'm just a worry wart! lol. I'm filled with all sorts of emotions now and I'm sure that will continue until (and after) he arrives. I want to hold our child, I want to see him and know he is ok. I want him to be healthy and happy, God willing he will be. I'm not scared of my end of the delivery like the pain and whatnot. I hate to think of the what if's though, I really try not to. But I know it's a reality, even for a small percent of people. I do not want us to have to be in that percent. I do what I can to be healthy and take care of Jadon while he is inside me. Dr Ofori has been really great and he is very happy with the way our pregnancy is going. I don't take that for granted at all, we are very very lucky to have had such a text book pregnancy (so far) with my history. Maybe that's why I'm a little worried, it's almost too good to be true! Like we are living in a dream...

On a lighter note, we were very busy this weekend! We went shopping to get everything we still needed after the showers. It feels great to have everything either in his room on on the way. We spent a few hours putting things together like his changing table, swing, bouncer and diaper genie. We still need to decorate his room and wash all his little clothes and install his carseat in the car. Then we will be ready for his arrival and to bring him home! Mom and Dad refinished the cradle. It's the cradle I slept in when I was a baby and we have let several other people use it over the years and now we finally get to use it!! Anyhow, it turned out great, it's black and it looks brand new! We just need to pick it up from my parents place and put it in our room. I'll have to take a picture of it once we have it all setup!

That's all for now!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Jadon is due one month from today! I can hardly wait! The last few days have been a little harder than the rest of the pregnancy. I'm a lot more tired and it feels like I have walked 10 miles by the time I walk from the car to our office or around a store. Last night I was awaken by some pretty painful cramping, I thought we might have to make a trip to L&D see what was going on but they let up. Which was good, Chad was resting so peacefully, I didn't want to have to wake him.

Baby Jadon has been really spoiled lately! As you know I love to get stuff in the mail so I was really excited to see a box by the door yesterday. It was from a friend of mine from high school, Angela. She is so sweet, she got him a sleep positioner, a bath toy and some onesies. Very nice of her!! We also got gifts from Brandy and Aaron (Potty chair, potty time dvd, and clothes!) Jenni and Jason (Huge box of wipeies and some really cute clothes!) and from Maila and Paulino (Diaper bag for me!) all this came this week! Very fun!!

Last weekend we attended our birthing class. It was very informative - a very good thing for first time parents who haven't had very much experience with newborns. The nurse explained what to expect from the time we arrive until we leave. I'm a lot let scared/nervous now. The nurse was so sweet, I really hope she is there when Jadon decides to make his appearance!

Oh yeah!! We found out that Mikey and Annie will be having a boy!! I hope he and Jadon grow up to be good friends! All these babies are so exciting! lol.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baby Shower!!

August finally came! I seemed to be waiting forever for it to be Aug 1st!

The shower was really great! Carrie and Misty did a wonderful job. I had a great time and I think all the guest did as well. We played lots of games and ate lots of yummy food. Donald made 2 cakes for the shower, one chocolate and one mandarin orange, both were very tasty but the chocolate one is my favorite!

Jadon once again got very spoiled, just like he's suppose to be hehe! He has a lot of clothes, I don't think Chad and I will have to be buying any for a while which is very nice. We also got a bouncy seat and a hand made blankey and books and just so many cool things! There are a few things still left for us to get. So over the next couple weeks we will need to get the remaining items and get things put together, get the nursery decorated and get all his clothes washed and ready for him to wear.

His due date is only about 5 and a half weeks away! Now that it's August we can say we're going to have a baby next month! Time has really gone by quick and I have felt pretty great for the most part. Not to sure what these final weeks will hold for us but we're really getting pretty excited! I have contractions here and there but nothing too bad yet, the stretchmarks on my tummy are growing really rapidly which doesn't feel too great (esp when I yawned really big and literally felt them grow) but its all worth it. Cant wait to meet this little guy in a few more weeks!

Thanks Mariah for taking the pics!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"You've got mail"

I LOVE to get stuff in the mail. I get so excited if there is something cool in the mail or a package at the door! So yesterday when we got home there was a pretty big box by the front door from Chad's sister Cheri and her family for Jadon. I should have been good and waited until Sunday to open it (for the baby shower)... but I was too excited so I decided to open it! They we're so sweet to get us so much, she got us a boppy pillow, which is something I REALLY wanted. A cover for it, a glow worm (every kiddo has to have one you know!) and some really cute clothes. I took a picture but I forgot the camera at home, oppsie. So I'll have to try to remember to upload the pic when I get home. She also sent us a new pic of the kids and their cute doggie, I need to get a frame so I can hang it up on the foyer wall with all the other pics.

I cant wait for Sunday to get here to have the baby shower and get to spend time with family and friends! It's going to be so fun. It'll be cool to see all cute things people have gotten for baby Jadon too! I'm sure I will have lots of pics and updates after that!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Things are going well, time continues to fly by. We went to the Dr yesterday, Jadon is still measuring about a week ahead and everything looks great. We go back in 2 weeks then every week after that! It's getting really close to baby time!

This Sunday is the baby shower!! I'm really excited, it's going to be so fun! This past weekend we went up to St George and did a little bit of shopping and looking around. Chad and I both got a new pair of shoes and a little bit of clothes, there are sooooo many cute things I wanted to get for Jadon, but Chad keeps reminding me that the shower is coming up and he'll surely get spoiled! However we did find an amazing deal on an umbrella stroller but I was trying to be sensible and decided not to get it. Then after we looked around at other places we decided we should have gotten that one so Chad called them yesterday to see if they would hold it for us, which they wouldn't so he went up there and picked it up. He is so sweet, that was so thoughtful of him. He took his car up there (it doesn't have AC)so I'm sure it wasn't all that pleasant of a trip. Sure was a nice surprise, although I totally had to step over it to hang up some stuff in Jadon's closet but didn't see it. Chad was like "did you just step over that stroller and not notice?" yeah, yeah I did! Can we blame that on pregnancy brain??

Oh yeah, baby Bowie is a GIRL! My mom's little dime on a string trick was right. So funny! Kristine is still waiting on having Maggie, she has a Dr appt today to see what they are going to do. So I'm guessing Miss Maggie might make her debut sometime very soon. Also our other friend Amber just found out she is finally ready! They sent her over to the hospital to have her little baby boy Elijah! The stork sure is busy!

Hope all is well for everyone!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


This past weekend we took a trip to Cali with my mom. Dad stayed home to take care of the dogs and stuff. It was so nice to get away for a couple days.

We left here Friday afternoon and made it to Penny and Luther's around dinner time. Penny had gotten her sisters Cinnamon and Kim and their families to come over and they made some really yummy lasagna. It was so fun to visit with them! Mom had found some pictures of their dad (my uncle George) that she wanted them to see. I hadn't met some of my cousins before so it was really cool to met them! Such a fun group. It's really cool that Elizabeth and I are pregnant at the same time too. She's a few weeks behind me, her baby Bowie will be born in October. She should find out today for sure (hopefully) if Bowie is a boy or girl... it's been a tad confusing. Mom did her dime-on-a-string test and that says the baby is a girl lol... Elizabeth has been thinking it's a boy since a Dr told her that so we bought blue stuff... oh well if Bowie is a girl she can wear some blue haha! They had gifts for us too! Several cute outfits a VERY cool handmade hooded ducky towel (from Penny) and an activity center thingie that keep him from rolling away and changes into other things... We slept there and in the morning we got up and went to Rosco's and had some chicken and waffles yummmmm!!

Then we were off to visit aunt Virgina and that group. I thought we were going to have a big get together, but apparently some of the fam was out of town or already had plans or something. But we did get to see Kathy and 2 of her boys. She took us down to Huntington Beach and we got Balboa bars, they are sooo yummy! It's ice cream on a stick dipped in chocolate then rolled in your choice of toppings. Makes for a very happy preggo chick! haha. We had a BBQ at Virginia's, Cali has some of the best fruits and veggies. We decided we had to stop at the store and bring some home with us.

Sunday was the day we had to head home but we went out for breakfast at a really cool place called Break of Dawn, very yummy! Then we were off to the beach! We went to Dana Point, it was so nice there, wow!! It was a bit overcast but it was still nice and the water wasn't too cold (after you got use to it) so we played in the water a little bit. It was a nice short visit, but its always nice to go home and sleep in your own bed... and put your legs up so they don't look like marshmallows!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm slacking!

Ok, my goal is to blog once per week, obviously I've been slacking a bit lately! Sorry. It's been pretty busy and I'm pretty tired most the time. Mom and Dad have settled into their new place and it's coming along quite nicely. They have been doing lots of shopping which is always fun. They even bought a highchair and swing for Jadon when he goes to visit at their house.

Speaking of Jadon, his due date is exactly 2 months from today!! Wow!! I'm getting quite antsy about meeting this little dude. I can't imagine how I will be the last few days of pregnancy. lol. We still have quite a lot to get done before his arrival. We plan to get a move on things after the shower on the 1st (which I'm super excited about!!) so we have a better idea of what we have and what we need. We have a Dr appt this afternoon to check on him, he doesn't seem to be moving around as much as he use to, maybe he is just running out of room in there.

Other baby news... We're going to be having another niece! Brandi & Cody found out on the 9th that they are having a girl! Jordyn is really happy about that! Also Doctor Dickens had her baby girl, Alexa Brynn, on the 9th. She is super cute! We're really happy for them. Sabrina will be having Brooklyn day after tomorrow and Kristine is pretty close too having baby Maggie!

I think that's all the updates for now!! Oh yeah, it's hot outside! It's going to be 114 this coming weekend, but we are going to Cali with mom to visit the family out there and go to the beach! I cant wait to see everyone out there, it's been a while and I'm excited to see Elizabeth's baby bump hehe! I got the fabric to make her baby blankey but I haven't gotten anywhere with it. Maybe I will be able to get some done tonight!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Welcome to baby boom July!

More than fireworks will be going boom this month! The baby boom is in full effect! Sabrina, Kristine & Dr Dickens baby girls are all due this month!! It's funny all 3 are having girls. I can't wait to see them all. They are going to be so dang cute!

I'm sure I will be posting about them once we get word the babies have arrived! So exciting. Then we're next since we don't know anyone due in August. Wow time is flying by!

I was going to post earlier in the week so I could include some pics but I'll just have to add them later since the download thingie didn't work out so well. It's been a pretty busy week or so. Derrick and Alexa came down last weekend. It was so nice to see them and just hang out. I wish they lived closer so we could spend more time together. We are very proud of both of them, they have both just graduated with their Masters Degrees! Derrick graduated with his degree to be an occupational therapist and will be starting work next week. Alexa is now a pharmacist and she is finishing up her training and will be getting assigned to a store really soon! It takes a lot of discipline, patience and dedication to accomplish all that. We wish them luck in their new journeys!

While they were here we took them up to Zion (this is where the pics come in lol). Neither of them had ever been there. It was a beautiful summer day. We slathered on the sunscreen so none of us ended up with bad burns (I managed to get a couple stripes though) and we took plenty of water to keep hydrated. Chad insisted we head up there in time for breakfast so we could eat at Oscars. It's kind of tradition for us to eat there whenever we are up that way. They make HUGE breakfast burritos that Chad could live off. So Chad, Derrick and Alexa each had one and I decided to had some granola pancakes. Very yummy. Anyhow then we were off to do a little hike, we did the emerald pools hike which isn't a hard or long hike - but it seems quite a bit harder and longer when your 29 weeks pregnant! But I managed to do it and it was good exercise. Then we took the bus thingie around the rest of the park and walked down to the river. Then we came home, well after stopping in St George for some dinner and ice cream!

Chad had to take them back to the airport on Monday, I'm not going to lie, I almost cried. I don't know when we will be able to see them again since then will be very busy getting settled into their new careers and we will be busy with Jadon. But we'll see them again sometime. Maybe it just seems like we have to say goodbye a lot lately that's getting hard. It's been hard to say bye to Cody, Brandi & Jordyn not knowing when we'll see them next. It was hard to say goodbye to everyone in SLC after the shower too. I miss them all so much. At least that's only a 5 hour drive so that's a bit more manageable. I didn't want to say goodbye so soon to Scott & Journet. But they will be back in a few weeks and Journet might even be able to make the shower which is wonderful! Ok enough about the sad goodbye's (thankfully they are all temporary!)

Monday we also had a Dr appt. It went well I'm on some iron pills now since I'm a bit anemic but the Dr doesn't seem to worried about it since the iron pills should correct the issue before delivery time. Jadon is still measuring about a week ahead so he is growing well. He moves around a lot, but he's shy, he doesn't like to show daddy his acrobatics! Silly kiddo! We go to the Dr every 2 weeks now. The visits are quite short, they just get my vitals and take my weight then the listen to his heart and measure my tummy and ask if everything is going ok.

And probably the most exciting part of this week!!!! My parents finally made it down! They moved into their new place last night. We are really happy to have them here. Defiantly nice to say hello instead of goodbye! They brought Enzo back which was nice, I've missed that little doggie. We got them a couch a little while ago for a surprise since they didn't want to move a lot of their furniture. They were defiantly surprised and happy they had a place to sit! They like their new place which is good since they hadn't seen it before. Chad and I kind of picked it out for them. I'm looking forward to going shopping with them this weekend for stuff for their new place. That's always fun!

Wow that's a long post! We've been busy apparently! Hope all is well in everyone's worlds!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

SLC Shower!

What a wonderful weekend!! It was so nice to see everyone who came out to the shower. It was perfect! Everything looked so sweet and there was lots of tasty snacks too! The baby got lots of gifts and last Friday he even got a name! His name will be Jadon. He's named after his grandfathers James and Donald. He doesn't have a middle name yet but setting his 1st name was a HUGE step!

It still seems so surreal! I must have said that a hundred times on Saturday. I kept looking around and thinking "Is this all really happening? This is really MY shower?!?" But I had a blast and we got a lot of really great things. Ivy and LeeAnn really went out of their way making blankets and burp cloths! They made 17 burp clothes and a total of 7 blankets!! How amazing is that? Becky did an AMAZING job with all the decorations. They looked so cute! She also went crazy shopping for him. He defiantly has a ton of diapers now! I'm really grateful for all the people who made this shower possible. Amanda let us use her beautiful home and between her, LeeAnn and Ivy they put out a really nice spread of food and cupcakes. Becky made some really cute and yummy cookies too! Becky also was responsible for all the wonderful decorations, most of which are hand made!! They all put in a lot of hard work!

To top it off Sunday was Mom's birthday. Even though we had to rush home Sunday morning it was still nice to be able to see her on her birthday and spend the weekend together.

Anyhow. Here are a few photos from the shower. Somehow Becky and I didn't get a picture together :o(

Thanks again everyone! Love you all!! Chad and I are truly lucky to have so many people in so many places who love and care for us and our child!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ivy's having a...

GIRL!!! So excited for her!! It's getting more real now that both of us are getting further along. I can't wait to see her and everyone else on Saturday! Seems like this week is really dragging because I just want the weekend to get here already.

Last Friday we went in for our follow up ultrasound. His heart looks wonderful so that was good news. They suggested I drink more water because his house doesn't seem as "fluffy" as it should. We didn't really get any great pics of him, he doesn't like to have his picture taken I guess! But we got to see him moving around and doing his thing. So the 1st picture is of his legs, he had them crossed. The 2nd is of his really round head and his little hand up by his ear.

Saturday we went to Gaby's 9th birthday party. I made her a cake. She wanted strawberry with strawberry icing and airheads... Very much a kiddo cake! Gladys had surgery last Thursday and just got her results back that the stuff they removed was non cancerous. So that was really great news!

Also last week we got to see Tricia and Sabrina and Stewart. Tricia came over and helped us with idea's for placing the furniture in the baby's room and where to hang stuff on the walls. I'm sooo glad she came over to help with that! It had been way too long since we had seen her. She brought her friend and her son, they were really nice! Sabrina and Stewart were in town for a few days and they came over to visit and even brought the baby several super cute outfits! Spoiled little dude we have hehe. Sabrina is due in just about a month! I'm looking forward to seeing her little girl. I bet she will be really happy to be done being pregnant for a bit! Her kiddos like to scare everyone and try to come really early! Little stinkers! But she thinks she's going to make it to her due date now so that's good. And she looks great!

Well that's all for now! Next update will be about the shower I'm sure! Can't wait!!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!!

Ok I'm a day late... but I hope everyone had a great weekend with family and friends remembering those who have served to keep our country free. We went to Vegas on Saturday and saw Scotty & Journet. It had been a long time since we saw them but when we saw them and started talking it was like we had just seen them a day before or something. They will be back in town the end of July and if all goes well Journet will be able to make it to my baby shower! That was really exciting news!!

Sunday we went to the pool and a BBQ. The weather was wonderful. It's getting hot quick, I think I'll be spending some time out by the pool this year to keep cool and get a little exercise and maybe even get a little color on my skin! Plus the sun is the best way to get your vitamin D!

I was excited to turn the calendar over to June, even though I know that means it's going to be getting hot quick! There is so much happening in June the time will fly by. Friday we have an ultrasound appointment so maybe I will have some cool pics to post next time. Sunday is Gaby's birthday, she will be 9 already!! The following Friday we will be heading to Utah! Crazy how fast time is going. I can't wait to be up there and see everyone!! If Ivy's baby cooperates we will know what she is having by then too! And that Sunday is my mom's birthday. So I'm glad the timing all works out so I get to see her on her birthday. All that is just within the 1st couple weeks of the month. Then we have our Dr appointment and Brandi's birthday and Father's Day! Wow! And once June is over mom and dad will be on the way down to Mesquite to move into their new place!! What an exciting and eventful month we have to look forward to!

Anyhow, I will leave you with a pic of me from by the pool! Yeah, I know I'm white haha... Check out that baby bump now! He's growing in there like crazy, I really popped out in the past week!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Coming and Going

Last night we had dinner with Chad's parents, Brandi and Jordyn. It's starting to settle in that they are really moving away. I think it's taken a bit to get use to since we didn't really see them a whole lot. But it's really hitting home now. Especially with both of us being pregnant! She is due around the end of November. She said she is going to try to make it down when we have the baby if she can. That would be really cool. Then sometime we will have to make it out there. Not sure when that will happen though. It's about an 8 hour drive or there is an airport we can fly into not too far away and there are usually some pretty good deals on flights so we'll work something out. I can't wait to see their baby too when he or she gets here.

Mom and Dad have picked out a place here in town and everything is on track. They will only be about a mile away. Their place is actually less than a block away from Chad's parents. They should be down July 2nd to sign the lease and move in. I'm so excited to have them around. I miss them a lot and it will be so great to have them around when the baby gets here. I keep looking at the calendar wanting it to hurry up and be June since there will be lots going on then after June is over mom and dad will be here. I really think this summer is going to go by really fast! Which would be nice considering it's going to start getting hot soon. They said we should hit 100 degrees sometime next week. For now we're enjoying these days in the 80's! Very nice.

A little of both...
Chad got his car out of the shop...well for a couple days. Then something went POP and its now leaking a lot of something so they are going to come look at it/pick it up today. I think that car might have some sort of a curse on it. lol... or it just hates us. I don't know which! Very pretty car though... Chad decided that this car is now his son's birth right (when he gets old enough and can be responsible for such a beast).

Speaking of our son... I am now 24 weeks along. Crazy to think he's been in there 6 months already! We're getting closer and closer to meeting our son! Only about 15 1/2 week left! Here is the newest pic of us hehe... This pic was taken in the morning and I tend to not be sticking out as much in the mornings that's why I look bigger in the picture from Simi's party a couple weeks ago. So excited to see him next Friday! I've been craving sweets a lot... Probably not the best thing in the world but I try not to give in every time. :o)

I think that's it for now!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Busy times!

Wow it seems like we're busy... Maybe that's because I'm always tired lol. Simi's graduation is tomorrow - I really can't believe she is out of HS. She will be attending Dixie to become a radiology tech. Misty and Keith had a graduation party for her. They invited the whole graduating class (she goes to a small school so that's about 40 kids, about 30 showed up) Juan was the DJ and Chad helped him. Here is a pic of Chad and I from the party.

Yesterday we went for a checkup. Baby is doing well. He is measuring about a week ahead which is fine. His heart rate was 155, the Dr said that's a good strong heart rate. Since the last ultrasound he was being stubborn and wouldn't roll over so they couldn't get a good view of his heart we have another ultrasound scheduled for June 4th. I'm excited, it means we get to see our son again yay! We also got informed that we do not have to go the specialist so that was great news!! So it was a good trip to the Dr.

I got my invite to the baby shower that Ivy and Becky are throwing next month on the 12th!! I'm sooo excited! It'll be so great to see family and friends that I haven't seen in a while. I feel very special that I have great friends and family that love me and are looking forward to the addition to our family!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I've finally decided that the feelings in my body are defiantly the baby. I had thought they were for a while but it feels like tummy rumblings to me lol... But now there is no denying it's him. Last night I laid on my back for a minute and he was rolling all around. Chad even got to feel him move for the 1st time. That was pretty cool espically since it was Mother's Day.

We celebrated Mother's Day by sending my Mom some pretty flowers. They made a surprise visit last week so it was really nice to get to see them. I had been sad that I wasn't going to be able to see my mom near Mother's day. Yesterday we also took Chad's mom out for dinner. We got her a new watch since she had been needing one. It was a nice day.

We spent some time putting up nursery furniture as well. We got the crib together on Saturday and the dresser together yesterday. Both are really sturdy and turned out very nice. His nursery is coming along quite nicely I think. I'm happy I have taken the advice to do this sort of thing in the 2nd trimester while I still have energy and I'm not too huge yet.

We'll that's all for now. This weekend is Simi's graduation party. She graduates next week. I also have a Dr. appt next Monday!


Monday, April 26, 2010

Halfway Point

Well, we have made it to the 1/2 way point! I'm now 20 weeks pregnant! How exciting. We have been quite busy getting things in order for baby.... I think I've got that nesting thing going on! We finally got the Camaro cleaned and up for sale. Having a baby is pretty much the only way I would get rid of that silly car! We also started cleaning out the guest room so we can move the office down to that room so that baby will have a room near us. We ordered a lot of things for the nursery last week like the crib, dresser, mattress and bedding. I also have picked up a few things here and there so we should be getting packages in the mail a lot over the next few weeks! I love that though so I will be excited to check the mail every day! I ordered scrapbook things so I can attempt to build some sort of a baby book for him. We also finished one of our registries and will finish the other one next weekend when we go to St George.

It's quite apparent that our baby is growing by the size of my belly! According to baby websites he is about 10 inches long and weighs over 10 ounces! It's really amazing how fast he is growing in there!! He still doesn't have a name, however I came across a name the other day and I think it's perfect! Jaydon - it's a combination of both of his grandpa's names, James & Don. So that name is at the top of the list right now. Chad bets I will change my mind a million times before we settle on something though but I'm really stuck on Jaydon so we'll see!

This past week was also my cousin Misty's 40th birthday so there was a party for her Friday night. She is always so much fun! She really enjoys every moment of life. The party was a lot of fun, they had carne asada tacos and yummy cake and plenty of water and music so I was a happy preggo haha.

Anyhow I will leave you with a picture of the baby bump... Sorry the quality isn't that great, we lost our camera so this pic is off Chad's phone and the lighting wasn't really great so it's a bit fuzzy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Let the shopping begin!!

So we went in for our ultrasound Friday (4/16). It was so exciting. Nearly everyone was predicting we would have a girl! Even we were thinking this baby would be a girl, boy were we all wrong! We got to see our son's heart beating and see him move around. Obviously we got to see his "bits" lol... He was holding on to them trying to hide them at first. Too funny! He looks healthy and is measuring well. Although he didn't want to roll over so the tech could get a good view of his heart we could still see the different chambers and stuff. But we may need to go back in for another ultrasound to see if he will cooperate and let us see his heart sometime. We have some ultrasound pics that we'll get scanned and added.

We went to the monthly checkup yesterday and all the blood testing came back great and we got to listen to his heart beating... that's always so cool, its amazing. Dr says things are looking great! He is going to review the ultrasound and the he will decide if we need to go to the specialist or not. It's more of a precautionary thing since I have to take asprin for my blood issues.

Also the MS walk was Saturday. Mom and dad couldn't make it down since they are saving money to move down here in a couple months. Ivy, Jeff and LeeAnn came down though. It was so nice to hang out with them while they were here... the weekend flew by though. I wish they could have stayed longer. They even got the baby a cute little overall outfit. Soooo cute!! He will look adorable in it I'm sure! It's fun that both of us are pregnant. Funny how things work out. Ivy and I are about 5 weeks apart and out babies are due about 6 weeks apart! So cool... I can't wait to find out what they are having. I think they will have a boy too haha... we'll see. I'm happy I get to see them again in June for baby shower!!

So... if you haven't noticed we aren't set on a name for our son yet. We're still up in the air. It's a bit hard since you know he will have this name for his whole life. Right now we're thinking either Sylas or Xavier... but we'll see!! We'll keep everyone posted on the name thing!

I think that's all our updates for now!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Keeping busy

Let's start off with exciting news... we have another person to add to the list from my last post. We are going to be an aunt and uncle again! Cody and Brandi just announced they are expecting their 2nd little one right around my birthday (She's due Nov 23th)! Pretty exciting! Too bad they are moving so far away though. But I'm sure we will all be making visits one way and another.

This month is quite the busy one for sure. Chad and I took last Friday off and spend a couple nights in Vegas for a little "babymoon". We saw the show Believe with Chris Angel by Cirque. It was pretty cool. We actually had to be in Vegas for the MS walk that took place on Saturday morning but we figured we should make a little trip of it so we did. We did some shopping and looked at baby stuff. We (ok mostly I) got to try out the stroller I have been looking at. It's still #1 on the list, I just wanted to make sure I liked it before I got it.

The MS walk for Mesquite is this weekend. My parents are coming down and so is Ivy, Jeff and LeeAnn. So excited to see everyone. I've been missing them all so it will be good to have them around for a few days... however this is probably the last year I will be walk site coordinator so I doubt there will be walks here anytime in the near future. I'm thinking maybe we can get a group together and participate in the LV walk in the future. That might be fun!

Another VERY exciting thing this week is our ultrasound Wednesday. I can't wait. I'll post pics and if we're lucky we'll be able to post the sex (and maybe even the name) of our baby! Crazy to think I'm already 18 weeks! Almost 1/2 way!!

Anyhow. I will leave you with a couple pictures from Easter that Carrie took at their house. I was 17 weeks along at that point.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Another baby boomer generation?

If you don't want kids then you better stay away from the water!

We keep getting the wonderful news that close friends and family members are pregnant too! At least our kid will have other kiddos it's age to grow up with! (side note - I'll be happy when we don't have to refer to our child as an it lol)

Let me try to remember who all is pregnant by due date month...

Kristine - July
Dr. Dickens - July
Sabrina - July? maybe June but I think July
Me (hehe) - Sept 12th
Elizabeth - Oct
Ivy - Oct
Jamie - Oct
Latest news! Annie - November

We know of more people who are also pregnant too that we went to HS with and whatnot but this list is of people who we talk to on a regular(ish) basis.

We're so happy for every couple/family! It's really a wonderful thing! It's exciting to be a part of this baby boom for sure!

I'm betting there will be more people to add to this list within the next little bit too... Guess we'll just have to wait and see!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New news...

Well... not so new anymore... But since I haven't updated this blog since October it's new news here! We're going to have a baby!! Right now i'm about 16 and 1/2 weeks. It's still somewhat shocking to think I really am pregnant and someone is growing inside me. It's amazing. I need to start keeping up on this blog so we can look back at some memories. I'll have to figure out how to add pictures and whatnot. So far we have had 2 ultrasounds... the 1st at 6 weeks to confirm the pregnancy and make sure things were in place and give us an accurate due date, which is Sept 12th 2010! The 2nd ultrasound we had was just a quick on from done by our doc to take a look and see the baby. Baby looks good. We have our big ultrasound on April 14th. That will be really fun to see more detail and if baby cooperates find out if it's a girl or boy. I'm ready to shop!!

This really is a fun experience. Everyone is so excited... this child is truly a blessing and our hearts desire.

Well that's it for now! Really going to attempt to keep up with this! Next time I'll put up a pic of the growing belly! hehe.