Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Jadon is so fun. He's developing quite the personality, if you laugh at him he will smile and let out a little laugh. So cute. And wow he is strong, although he isn't the biggest fan of tummy time yet he can hold his head up really well. He likes to be on his tummy on peoples chest but not flat like on the ground or the couch. He is really good at bath time, he seems to enjoy it for the most part. Last night he cried when we took him out - guess he wasnt ready to get out yet lol.

This is the 1st smile we were able to catch on camera. Love this little guy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Back to work!

Well yesterday was my 1st day back to work. I'm not going to lie - it's hard... I miss Jadon and I think about all the thing I'm going to miss while I'm working. But it has to be done. We're really lucky we have our parents to take care of him while we work. I wanted to use intermittent FMLA for the next few months but our company doesnt allow that so I have to work at least 30 hours a week to keep my full time status. So I'm working full days Monday, Wednesday and Friday and half days Tuesday and Thursday's. That will work out well since hopefully I wont feel like I'm always gone.

So, yesterday was my 1st day back and Jamie's last day. Her blood pressure had been giving her issues and she went to lunch to check it and it was very high. She was in the same boat as Ivy but it was going up faster. She was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon and her son was born this morning. He was 5 weeks early but he is a big boy! 6lbs 14oz and 19 inches!! Congrats to them. We're glad all is well.

That's all for now... I miss my little boy. I can't wait to go home to him and give him a big kiss!

Friday, October 8, 2010

One month old!

Jadon is already a month old! I can not believe it! He is getting so big already! He's pretty much out of new born size sleeper outfits, some of the onsies and pants still fit though. He's so cute. He has been smiling a lot lately!!

Last weekend he got to meet a bunch of people! Lu and Georgia came down from Salina to meet him. We left him at my parents for a few hours so he could hang out. Becky was able to come to St George with her friend so we went and got her while Jadon was at grandma and grandpa's house visiting Lu and Georgia. Then Lynn stopped by my parents to visit him since she was in town to see her daughter. So he was a very busy and popular little guy. Lynn even brought him a couple outfits! Then on Monday Nikki from the MS society came over to see him, she and the girls from the office got Jadon a few outfits and toys, that was so sweet of them.

Today I went to the dr for my follow up appointment. Looks like I'm healing well and I have been released to return to work on Monday. It's bitter sweet. I'm glad I'm healing and I am well enough to return to work and I have missed the people. But it's hard to leave the baby. I know its going to be hard and I'm going to miss him.

I'm having a hard time with breast feeding. I'm pumping for him but I'm only getting 50-60% of his daily needs so we are supplementing with formula. I called a lactation specialist yesterday and she gave me some instructions and whatnot but I'm not sure its the direction we want to go. So now I'm just taking some mother milk tea and I'm going to get some pills that are suppose to help me make more milk as well so we're keeping our fingers crossed that this will help me make more for him. But no matter what happens at least I know I have tried and I'm doing the best that I can.

Anyhow I will leave you with a picture of our little guy at one month, taking a nap! He happens to be in the same outfit as last time... it's fitting much better now though lol.