Monday, August 30, 2010


Are we ready?? Well I suppose we had better be! Today we went for our 38 week appt and the Dr said I am 2 cm dilated and he could feel Jadon's head! He made my appt for next Tuesday since they will be closed Monday for the holiday but he said he might see me before then in L&D. We're really excited!!

We got a lot done this past weekend, and it's a good thing. We packed the hospital bag and put the car seat in the car. Chad finished decorating the nursery today while I was working and it looks great!! There is just some cleaning I would like to get done before he gets here but I'm not sure if it'll get done or not lol, we'll see.

Here is a picture of his cradle the my parents refinished and pictures of his room!

Maybe next time we'll have pictures of Jadon to share!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ivy's baby shower

It's today! I wish I could be there but Jadon's due date is just too close for me to travel over 300 miles away from home. Even though today I am feeling great and I'm so tempted to get in the car and go, I know it's not the best idea. But she'll be in my thoughts and I hope she has a great time!!

It's so cool that I have been able to go through pregnancy with so many people we know. But it's so special to be able to share this time with Ivy. I wish we lived closer together but that's just not the way the cookie crumbles. It's really neat that Jadon and Kelsey will only be a couple months apart in age since Ivy and I are only about 5 weeks apart. Not having any siblings I have a couple ladies who are like sisters to me - I don't know if I would be any closer to them if we shared parents! And Ivy is one of them. I love her lots!!

I made baby Kelsey a blankey, I really like it and I hope baby Kelsey does too! We also got her a few other things. Putting things into a box just isn't the same as being able to make a fun gift basket to give to someone in person though. Ivy, Amanda and LeeAnn made Jadon so many great things (blankets, burp clothes and even a night light! Not to mention all the help they did for the shower with Becky) that making Kelsey just one blanket doesn't seem like enough, but I'm not so crafty. I'm glad I got the blanket done in time though, considering I still have 4 others sitting there waiting for me!

Anyhow, I just wanted to take a min today to write down my thoughts, I thought it might make me feel better about not being able to be there with her - but I think it's making it worse!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

37 and 1/2 weeks!

Wow we're getting close!

Over the last week or so we have been getting more stuff ready for Jadon's arrival. My parents came over last Thursday and helped clean and get stuff in order. We sorted and took off all the tags on all his little clothes. He has quite the wardrobe! We got most of his laundry done... That was a lot of laundry since we had all his blankeys and bedding and whatnot. We still have to get the decorations up on the walls and get the hospital bag packed and his carseat installed. Hopefully we can get all that taken care of this weekend. We're starting to run out of time! lol.

This weeks Dr appt went well, Jadon is measuring right on track now so I was happy to know he had grown. Although with his continued growth it's getting quite cramped in there which I imagine is getting quite uncomfy for the both of us! Even though he has already dropped I am having bouts of breathing issues the last couple of days, they seem to be mostly in the morning. I plan to bring it up to the Dr on Monday. Jadon hasn't been moving as much has he had been, which is pretty normal but Dr wanted to check on him so they sent us over to the hospital for a non stress test. The nurse that did our labor class was there, it was nice to see a familiar face and to know where we were going and what to expect. I'm really glad we took that class. Anyhow, baby was sleepy so he wasn't moving much. After a while they gave me some OJ and had me roll on my side, that woke him up pretty well and they released us.

Oh, I went swimming with my mom last Sunday, that felt pretty nice, I think if we get everything done (or enough of it done) I will go again this weekend. It seemed to help with the marshmallow feet :o)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

36 weeks!

We went to our 36 week appointment yesterday. Crazy to think we're really at this point!

I'm apparently the worried mother type. The Dr said everything is ok and looks great, but I just worry a little when things change. Jadon is no longer measuring a week and 1/2 ahead, in fact the measurements were the same this week as last. I asked the Dr about it and he said Jadon has dropped pretty deep into my pelvis which is why the measurements are the same. Also his heart rate was lower than it has been at a base line of 128 when its usually up in the 150's. He said its normal for that to happen towards the end of pregnancy. His heart sounded good since it accelerates when he moves around. We talked about when to go to the hospital and he told me to keep an eye on the baby's movements.

So, Jadon is fine, I'm just a worry wart! lol. I'm filled with all sorts of emotions now and I'm sure that will continue until (and after) he arrives. I want to hold our child, I want to see him and know he is ok. I want him to be healthy and happy, God willing he will be. I'm not scared of my end of the delivery like the pain and whatnot. I hate to think of the what if's though, I really try not to. But I know it's a reality, even for a small percent of people. I do not want us to have to be in that percent. I do what I can to be healthy and take care of Jadon while he is inside me. Dr Ofori has been really great and he is very happy with the way our pregnancy is going. I don't take that for granted at all, we are very very lucky to have had such a text book pregnancy (so far) with my history. Maybe that's why I'm a little worried, it's almost too good to be true! Like we are living in a dream...

On a lighter note, we were very busy this weekend! We went shopping to get everything we still needed after the showers. It feels great to have everything either in his room on on the way. We spent a few hours putting things together like his changing table, swing, bouncer and diaper genie. We still need to decorate his room and wash all his little clothes and install his carseat in the car. Then we will be ready for his arrival and to bring him home! Mom and Dad refinished the cradle. It's the cradle I slept in when I was a baby and we have let several other people use it over the years and now we finally get to use it!! Anyhow, it turned out great, it's black and it looks brand new! We just need to pick it up from my parents place and put it in our room. I'll have to take a picture of it once we have it all setup!

That's all for now!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Jadon is due one month from today! I can hardly wait! The last few days have been a little harder than the rest of the pregnancy. I'm a lot more tired and it feels like I have walked 10 miles by the time I walk from the car to our office or around a store. Last night I was awaken by some pretty painful cramping, I thought we might have to make a trip to L&D see what was going on but they let up. Which was good, Chad was resting so peacefully, I didn't want to have to wake him.

Baby Jadon has been really spoiled lately! As you know I love to get stuff in the mail so I was really excited to see a box by the door yesterday. It was from a friend of mine from high school, Angela. She is so sweet, she got him a sleep positioner, a bath toy and some onesies. Very nice of her!! We also got gifts from Brandy and Aaron (Potty chair, potty time dvd, and clothes!) Jenni and Jason (Huge box of wipeies and some really cute clothes!) and from Maila and Paulino (Diaper bag for me!) all this came this week! Very fun!!

Last weekend we attended our birthing class. It was very informative - a very good thing for first time parents who haven't had very much experience with newborns. The nurse explained what to expect from the time we arrive until we leave. I'm a lot let scared/nervous now. The nurse was so sweet, I really hope she is there when Jadon decides to make his appearance!

Oh yeah!! We found out that Mikey and Annie will be having a boy!! I hope he and Jadon grow up to be good friends! All these babies are so exciting! lol.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baby Shower!!

August finally came! I seemed to be waiting forever for it to be Aug 1st!

The shower was really great! Carrie and Misty did a wonderful job. I had a great time and I think all the guest did as well. We played lots of games and ate lots of yummy food. Donald made 2 cakes for the shower, one chocolate and one mandarin orange, both were very tasty but the chocolate one is my favorite!

Jadon once again got very spoiled, just like he's suppose to be hehe! He has a lot of clothes, I don't think Chad and I will have to be buying any for a while which is very nice. We also got a bouncy seat and a hand made blankey and books and just so many cool things! There are a few things still left for us to get. So over the next couple weeks we will need to get the remaining items and get things put together, get the nursery decorated and get all his clothes washed and ready for him to wear.

His due date is only about 5 and a half weeks away! Now that it's August we can say we're going to have a baby next month! Time has really gone by quick and I have felt pretty great for the most part. Not to sure what these final weeks will hold for us but we're really getting pretty excited! I have contractions here and there but nothing too bad yet, the stretchmarks on my tummy are growing really rapidly which doesn't feel too great (esp when I yawned really big and literally felt them grow) but its all worth it. Cant wait to meet this little guy in a few more weeks!

Thanks Mariah for taking the pics!