Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby Alison!!

Dr Ofori had told me week ago that he's seen cases like mine go full term, so much so that they ended up inducing. We sort of laughed, we didn't think I would make it to term after all these weeks of contractions. But at my 38 week visit he stripped my membranes and streatched my cervix from 3cm to 4cm and we all thought we'd be meeting Alison soon! Then we waited, and waited and timed contractions (as I had done so very often) and did kick counts and I bounced on a yoga ball and tried to go for walks... NOTHING! Another week went by and I was 39 weeks 2 days pregnant and my appointment 6/25/2013. After my non-stress test Dr checked me and I was still at 4cm but baby was still high up and he asked me what I wanted to do. I said "I want to have this baby!" after so many weeks of bed rest, non-stress tests, Dr & hospital visits  and endless worry this momma was sooo done being pregnant. So to our surprise he called over to the hospital and then said "Ok, head on over. I'll see you in a few hours!"

I was happy I had Chad put the hospital bag in the car before we left that day. So we got over to the hospital and checked in and went upstairs to L&D at about 10:30am. It was weird just walking in there and not feeling like I was in labor like I had all the other times! This also marked the 10th hospital visit for this pregnancy! I changed into my "pretty-pusher" gown that I had bought. It was super comfy and I was so happy to have it. I just wish I had ordered it sooner and could've worn it during other visits instead of their terrible gowns! Anyhow - it was about 11am when I got all settled in and they had my all hooked up to monitors and the IV of fluids and started the Pitocin. The contractions started up pretty quick, they were not too painful for a while. Our nurse Sally (total sweetheart!!) kept asking if I was OK or if I was ready for the Epidural. I waited it out for a few hours and they kept turning up the Pitocin. Eventually at about 2pm I decided it was time for the Epidural as the contractions were getting stronger and closer together. The Epi ended up in my veins on the 1st try so they had to redo it. Then it worked and I was a happy person. Sally checked me again at about 3pm and I was still at 4cm almost a 5. We figured it was going to be a long day. Then about an hour later (4pm) I was feeling a lot of pressure and my contractions were going off the chart so Sally checked again and to everyone's surprise I was complete at 10cm! She called Dr & I texted our photographer who was waiting for me to get to about 6 or 7cm before heading to the hospital. She told me there was no way she could make it in time. Dr said he was going to finish up seeing the patients and then be over to deliver.

At this point even with the Epidural I was getting somewhat uncomfy and was ready to push. But we had to wait for Dr. I asked Sally to call him again and tell him to hurry!! He came over right about 5pm. I was SOOO happy to see him. I knew we were very close to meeting this baby! My mom and Chad were ready to help me push. I was really concerned with Alison's heartbeat kept dipping and I was getting stressed. It was time to push and get her out and meet her. I pushed for about 15 min and at 5:17pm there she was, healthy, crying and beautiful. Dr put her on my chest and Chad cut her cord. She cried and even had tears in her beautiful blue eyes. The nurses took her away to be checked out and washed up. She weighed 6lbs 2oz and 19inches long. Happy birthday to you baby Alison! Welcome to the family!!