Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Testing... Testing... Is this still on??

Ok. So before when I said I was really slacking, yeah, now I reallllly have missed a bunch of time. It's been 6 months since Grandpa Don passed away and this is the first time in 2014 that I'm blogging. Wow. Sorry about that kiddos.

I really do feel bad I haven't kept up with this as much as I want to. Jadon's first year is much  better documented than Alison's. I feel guilty for that. I don't know if this will make sense to anyone besides me, and that's ok....with Jadon, we didn't think we'd ever have a child and held strongly to every 1st and waited anxiously for each new milestone. With Alison, my cheery on top, again, we thought we'd never have another child and here we are with another beautiful person. How truly blessed are we?!? This time, I know she is my last child and I KNOW how fast everything goes and just how fast babies grow, learn, and gain independence. I love watching my kids grow and learn, it's really amazing. But, I know it all goes so damn fast. And I just wanna keep her little, a little longer. With Rex we always encouraged him to crawl, walk, do whatever as soon as possible. And now we know, they will grow, they will learn, they will crawl, they will walk, they will talk all in their own time and there's no reason to rush it along. It already goes by way too damn fast. It makes me a little sad. Sad that I rushed my boy along to all of his 1st's as an infant and sad that I haven't documented Alison's because I am in some sort of denial that she's no longer a tiny baby that needs her mommy constantly.

Our baby Alison will be 1 next month. This past year has been one of the most challenging in some aspects, but also the happiest. Seeing my babies smile, love and interact warms my heart and soothes my soul of whatever ails it. My favorite thing right now is to say to Rex "I love you!" because I know right after he will say in a voice of love and sincerity that I hope to always remember "I love you too Mom" When his baby Alison cries he is right there to sooth her, or offer ideas as to what he thinks she wants or needs "I think Alison needs her baba" Alison loves her brother so much. She calls for him, she can actually almost say "brother" so if he or her daddy are not within eyesight of her you'll be hearing her call out for them. And as soon as she see's them her little face lights up with joy. It's simply amazing.

I don't want to get into any of the not so awesome parts of the year, not that I don't acknowledge them, but I do not feel like writing about it right now. Right now I'm counting my blessings and I know the trials have made me appreciate them.

If you haven't gathered, I am a little sad my baby's first year is almost here. She will no longer be considered a "baby" (well, that is to anyone except me, my children will always be my babies). So, to take the sting away we will be having an awesome Parisian themed party for her. I love my children's birthday's. I really do. I like to plan them and make invitations and enjoy the friends and family who get to celebrate with us. So much fun. That's what I'm getting to do now. I have already started planning, the invitations have been made and are in the process of being delivered. The location has been selected and booked. Her outfit is chosen, Carrie has even made her a custom bow to match. Now, it'll be time to put all the plans in action. Only 1 month left until the party!!

Hope everyone is doing well! Love you all!