Friday, December 31, 2010


Wow what an amazing year it's been! I must say it's been one of the best of my life. Our year in a nutshell - We have our health, we have our families, we have our friends, we have our jobs... we have eachother - we have our beautiful baby boy!

Chad and I have been very fortunate this year in the way of our health. After a couple years of struggling for both of us this year we got a break!

My parents moved 250 miles closer to us! Unfortunately Chad's brother and sister in law moved like 400 miles away from us. But we have our families. This year we didn't lose any family members - in fact we gained several! We of course gained our son. Cody and Brandi welcomed Aspyn. Ivy and Jeff had baby Kelsey. And Elizabeth and Nic brought baby Bowie into the world! On top of that some of Chad's family found him on facebook! Pretty big family expansion this year!

We have found out who our true friends are this year. They have been there for us and love us. We are thankful and love them as well. A lot of our friends also had babies this year which is really cool too!

Chad and I also have our jobs, which in this economy more than ever we must be thankful! Our jobs provide food on the table, a roof over our heads, heat in the winter and relief from heat in the summer, diapers and all the other baby necessities and also quite a few extras in our lives.

2010 marks our 10 year anniversary of being together and 8 years of marriage. This year was really nice for us as a couple - we've grown closer and have experienced so many things together. I love Chad and I'm so happy he is the father of my son - he is a wonderful daddy and Jadon loves him so much!

Mostly this year was awesome because it started off (Jan 6th to be exact) with the knowledge of our pregnancy and then the welcoming of our heats desire! How much more of a dream come true could Jadon be? He really completes life. What an amazing gift being a parent is. I know there will be challenges but that's ok, it's worth it. Every day he wakes up healthy and happy we are blessed!

I hope everyone else has had a wonderful year as well and if not then I hope 2011 brings you better days!

Cheers to 2011! Goodbye 2010 - you will be remembered!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jadon's 1st Christmas!

Happy Holidays!

We had a lovely Christmas this year. It was so great to have our little bundle of joy to share it with. Really made me feel complete.

We have a HUGE tree in the foyer thanks to my aunt Georgia, it's too large for the house she has now so she gave it to us. It's pretty cool to have a tree that's been in the family and I can remember it being up at her old house. I would like to get a real tree but finding a 9ft tree could be a little crazy and not to mention quite expensive. So we'll stick to the fake one for now. Other than the tree we didn't do much in the way of decorations, just the polar bear outside the door and some garland and a few things around the mantle.

For Christmas Eve we had dinner Gary and Emily and their kiddos which was fun. Christmas morning we had our parents over for breakfast and to open gifts. Jadon sure was spoiled! He got so many nice things, so sweet of everyone to think of him on his 1st Christmas! He wasn't too into the opening of gifts - but at 4 months we didn't really expect him to be. He did help open the 1st couple though he tried to eat the ribbon and then he held on to the paper while I ripped it off, and then about 15 min into present time he decided it was nap time so we just hurried as fast as we could.

Chad and I really don't take for granted spending holidays with our families. It's really special and we enjoy it. This was the 1st year in the past several that we were able to have both my parents and his all together. I'm really happy we all live so close together. We miss our families and friends who we didn't get to spend the holidays with. They were in our thoughts though!

Anyhow - I'm sure everyone wants to see pics but we used the video camera and ended up with not very many pics on the normal camera! I'll have to add what we do have later though.

I hope everyone has had a great Christmas!

Love you all!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tummy Time

Jadon was being happy and enjoying tummy time in his crib this morning. He's defiantly a morning person and he likes to get up very early!! We've been working on rolling over - he did it once all by himself but I'm trying not to get too excited in case it was a fluke :o)

Monday, December 13, 2010

3 months!

Jadon is already 3 months old! (Well 3 months and 1 week lol) That seems like such a milestone for some reason. He's getting so big and discovering new things all the time. He likes to put things in his mouth now - his thumb and fist are his favorite but he also thinks eating the burp cloths is pretty cool. He's tolerating tummy time a lot better lately, we use the boppy pillow to help prop him up sometimes, he seems to like that a bit better.

Jadon got to visit Santa. Twice actually. Santa was at walmart last week when we were there so we stopped by then we visited him again on Saturday while we were doing some shopping at the mall in St George. He was very good both times. I was going to bring the CD with the picture on it so I could add it to this post but I forgot so I'll have to remember to grab it.

Anyhow - things are good. We really enjoy our little dude and it's fun to watch him learn a grow. I cant wait for Christmas - but I'm really looking forward to next year when he'll be able to enjoy it a bit more!

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!