Saturday, March 12, 2011

Half Year!

Half of a year has already passed since Jadon was born! Wow!! It's amazing how much he has grown and learned in such a short amount of time. Very cool to watch.

We took him to the Dr last Thursday. He is 16lbs 12oz and 26.5 inches tall. Which is within normal range. The Dr said his head is looking better and all around he looks healthy! What more can we ask for?

He is a pro at sitting up now, he can grab toys (or whatever else he wants, like my shoes!) and move them from hand to hand, he laughs and it sooooo funny - Chad said he sounds like white noise it's silly. We go on walks/jogs about 5 times a week, he loves to go - he'll look all around and just hang out and enjoy the fresh air. He's also been trying new foods, so far he's tried peas, carrots and sweet potatoes. He loves them all! Such a good little eater we have. I hope it stays this way.

Rex is our happy little baby... he smiles and laughs for everyone. He especially loves his daddy though! They have quite the bond between them, it's really special and it warms my heart to see them interact. He of course thinks all his grandparents are great as well, they doddle over him and shower him with love and millions of kisses. What a life!

A few weeks ago Cody and Brandi came down and we were able to meet Aspyn! She's so cute, it sucks they live so far away now. Jordyn is getting big and they all look great and very happy. Jadon likes Aspyn, he tried to grab at her and they were talking - makes you wonder what they are thinking about. Hopefully this summer we can take a break from the heat and make a trip out to visit them.

Well that's all for now! Hope you all are well! Spring is nearly here!! YAY!!! Love you all!