Thursday, July 29, 2010

"You've got mail"

I LOVE to get stuff in the mail. I get so excited if there is something cool in the mail or a package at the door! So yesterday when we got home there was a pretty big box by the front door from Chad's sister Cheri and her family for Jadon. I should have been good and waited until Sunday to open it (for the baby shower)... but I was too excited so I decided to open it! They we're so sweet to get us so much, she got us a boppy pillow, which is something I REALLY wanted. A cover for it, a glow worm (every kiddo has to have one you know!) and some really cute clothes. I took a picture but I forgot the camera at home, oppsie. So I'll have to try to remember to upload the pic when I get home. She also sent us a new pic of the kids and their cute doggie, I need to get a frame so I can hang it up on the foyer wall with all the other pics.

I cant wait for Sunday to get here to have the baby shower and get to spend time with family and friends! It's going to be so fun. It'll be cool to see all cute things people have gotten for baby Jadon too! I'm sure I will have lots of pics and updates after that!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Things are going well, time continues to fly by. We went to the Dr yesterday, Jadon is still measuring about a week ahead and everything looks great. We go back in 2 weeks then every week after that! It's getting really close to baby time!

This Sunday is the baby shower!! I'm really excited, it's going to be so fun! This past weekend we went up to St George and did a little bit of shopping and looking around. Chad and I both got a new pair of shoes and a little bit of clothes, there are sooooo many cute things I wanted to get for Jadon, but Chad keeps reminding me that the shower is coming up and he'll surely get spoiled! However we did find an amazing deal on an umbrella stroller but I was trying to be sensible and decided not to get it. Then after we looked around at other places we decided we should have gotten that one so Chad called them yesterday to see if they would hold it for us, which they wouldn't so he went up there and picked it up. He is so sweet, that was so thoughtful of him. He took his car up there (it doesn't have AC)so I'm sure it wasn't all that pleasant of a trip. Sure was a nice surprise, although I totally had to step over it to hang up some stuff in Jadon's closet but didn't see it. Chad was like "did you just step over that stroller and not notice?" yeah, yeah I did! Can we blame that on pregnancy brain??

Oh yeah, baby Bowie is a GIRL! My mom's little dime on a string trick was right. So funny! Kristine is still waiting on having Maggie, she has a Dr appt today to see what they are going to do. So I'm guessing Miss Maggie might make her debut sometime very soon. Also our other friend Amber just found out she is finally ready! They sent her over to the hospital to have her little baby boy Elijah! The stork sure is busy!

Hope all is well for everyone!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


This past weekend we took a trip to Cali with my mom. Dad stayed home to take care of the dogs and stuff. It was so nice to get away for a couple days.

We left here Friday afternoon and made it to Penny and Luther's around dinner time. Penny had gotten her sisters Cinnamon and Kim and their families to come over and they made some really yummy lasagna. It was so fun to visit with them! Mom had found some pictures of their dad (my uncle George) that she wanted them to see. I hadn't met some of my cousins before so it was really cool to met them! Such a fun group. It's really cool that Elizabeth and I are pregnant at the same time too. She's a few weeks behind me, her baby Bowie will be born in October. She should find out today for sure (hopefully) if Bowie is a boy or girl... it's been a tad confusing. Mom did her dime-on-a-string test and that says the baby is a girl lol... Elizabeth has been thinking it's a boy since a Dr told her that so we bought blue stuff... oh well if Bowie is a girl she can wear some blue haha! They had gifts for us too! Several cute outfits a VERY cool handmade hooded ducky towel (from Penny) and an activity center thingie that keep him from rolling away and changes into other things... We slept there and in the morning we got up and went to Rosco's and had some chicken and waffles yummmmm!!

Then we were off to visit aunt Virgina and that group. I thought we were going to have a big get together, but apparently some of the fam was out of town or already had plans or something. But we did get to see Kathy and 2 of her boys. She took us down to Huntington Beach and we got Balboa bars, they are sooo yummy! It's ice cream on a stick dipped in chocolate then rolled in your choice of toppings. Makes for a very happy preggo chick! haha. We had a BBQ at Virginia's, Cali has some of the best fruits and veggies. We decided we had to stop at the store and bring some home with us.

Sunday was the day we had to head home but we went out for breakfast at a really cool place called Break of Dawn, very yummy! Then we were off to the beach! We went to Dana Point, it was so nice there, wow!! It was a bit overcast but it was still nice and the water wasn't too cold (after you got use to it) so we played in the water a little bit. It was a nice short visit, but its always nice to go home and sleep in your own bed... and put your legs up so they don't look like marshmallows!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm slacking!

Ok, my goal is to blog once per week, obviously I've been slacking a bit lately! Sorry. It's been pretty busy and I'm pretty tired most the time. Mom and Dad have settled into their new place and it's coming along quite nicely. They have been doing lots of shopping which is always fun. They even bought a highchair and swing for Jadon when he goes to visit at their house.

Speaking of Jadon, his due date is exactly 2 months from today!! Wow!! I'm getting quite antsy about meeting this little dude. I can't imagine how I will be the last few days of pregnancy. lol. We still have quite a lot to get done before his arrival. We plan to get a move on things after the shower on the 1st (which I'm super excited about!!) so we have a better idea of what we have and what we need. We have a Dr appt this afternoon to check on him, he doesn't seem to be moving around as much as he use to, maybe he is just running out of room in there.

Other baby news... We're going to be having another niece! Brandi & Cody found out on the 9th that they are having a girl! Jordyn is really happy about that! Also Doctor Dickens had her baby girl, Alexa Brynn, on the 9th. She is super cute! We're really happy for them. Sabrina will be having Brooklyn day after tomorrow and Kristine is pretty close too having baby Maggie!

I think that's all the updates for now!! Oh yeah, it's hot outside! It's going to be 114 this coming weekend, but we are going to Cali with mom to visit the family out there and go to the beach! I cant wait to see everyone out there, it's been a while and I'm excited to see Elizabeth's baby bump hehe! I got the fabric to make her baby blankey but I haven't gotten anywhere with it. Maybe I will be able to get some done tonight!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Welcome to baby boom July!

More than fireworks will be going boom this month! The baby boom is in full effect! Sabrina, Kristine & Dr Dickens baby girls are all due this month!! It's funny all 3 are having girls. I can't wait to see them all. They are going to be so dang cute!

I'm sure I will be posting about them once we get word the babies have arrived! So exciting. Then we're next since we don't know anyone due in August. Wow time is flying by!

I was going to post earlier in the week so I could include some pics but I'll just have to add them later since the download thingie didn't work out so well. It's been a pretty busy week or so. Derrick and Alexa came down last weekend. It was so nice to see them and just hang out. I wish they lived closer so we could spend more time together. We are very proud of both of them, they have both just graduated with their Masters Degrees! Derrick graduated with his degree to be an occupational therapist and will be starting work next week. Alexa is now a pharmacist and she is finishing up her training and will be getting assigned to a store really soon! It takes a lot of discipline, patience and dedication to accomplish all that. We wish them luck in their new journeys!

While they were here we took them up to Zion (this is where the pics come in lol). Neither of them had ever been there. It was a beautiful summer day. We slathered on the sunscreen so none of us ended up with bad burns (I managed to get a couple stripes though) and we took plenty of water to keep hydrated. Chad insisted we head up there in time for breakfast so we could eat at Oscars. It's kind of tradition for us to eat there whenever we are up that way. They make HUGE breakfast burritos that Chad could live off. So Chad, Derrick and Alexa each had one and I decided to had some granola pancakes. Very yummy. Anyhow then we were off to do a little hike, we did the emerald pools hike which isn't a hard or long hike - but it seems quite a bit harder and longer when your 29 weeks pregnant! But I managed to do it and it was good exercise. Then we took the bus thingie around the rest of the park and walked down to the river. Then we came home, well after stopping in St George for some dinner and ice cream!

Chad had to take them back to the airport on Monday, I'm not going to lie, I almost cried. I don't know when we will be able to see them again since then will be very busy getting settled into their new careers and we will be busy with Jadon. But we'll see them again sometime. Maybe it just seems like we have to say goodbye a lot lately that's getting hard. It's been hard to say bye to Cody, Brandi & Jordyn not knowing when we'll see them next. It was hard to say goodbye to everyone in SLC after the shower too. I miss them all so much. At least that's only a 5 hour drive so that's a bit more manageable. I didn't want to say goodbye so soon to Scott & Journet. But they will be back in a few weeks and Journet might even be able to make the shower which is wonderful! Ok enough about the sad goodbye's (thankfully they are all temporary!)

Monday we also had a Dr appt. It went well I'm on some iron pills now since I'm a bit anemic but the Dr doesn't seem to worried about it since the iron pills should correct the issue before delivery time. Jadon is still measuring about a week ahead so he is growing well. He moves around a lot, but he's shy, he doesn't like to show daddy his acrobatics! Silly kiddo! We go to the Dr every 2 weeks now. The visits are quite short, they just get my vitals and take my weight then the listen to his heart and measure my tummy and ask if everything is going ok.

And probably the most exciting part of this week!!!! My parents finally made it down! They moved into their new place last night. We are really happy to have them here. Defiantly nice to say hello instead of goodbye! They brought Enzo back which was nice, I've missed that little doggie. We got them a couch a little while ago for a surprise since they didn't want to move a lot of their furniture. They were defiantly surprised and happy they had a place to sit! They like their new place which is good since they hadn't seen it before. Chad and I kind of picked it out for them. I'm looking forward to going shopping with them this weekend for stuff for their new place. That's always fun!

Wow that's a long post! We've been busy apparently! Hope all is well in everyone's worlds!