Thursday, July 22, 2010


This past weekend we took a trip to Cali with my mom. Dad stayed home to take care of the dogs and stuff. It was so nice to get away for a couple days.

We left here Friday afternoon and made it to Penny and Luther's around dinner time. Penny had gotten her sisters Cinnamon and Kim and their families to come over and they made some really yummy lasagna. It was so fun to visit with them! Mom had found some pictures of their dad (my uncle George) that she wanted them to see. I hadn't met some of my cousins before so it was really cool to met them! Such a fun group. It's really cool that Elizabeth and I are pregnant at the same time too. She's a few weeks behind me, her baby Bowie will be born in October. She should find out today for sure (hopefully) if Bowie is a boy or girl... it's been a tad confusing. Mom did her dime-on-a-string test and that says the baby is a girl lol... Elizabeth has been thinking it's a boy since a Dr told her that so we bought blue stuff... oh well if Bowie is a girl she can wear some blue haha! They had gifts for us too! Several cute outfits a VERY cool handmade hooded ducky towel (from Penny) and an activity center thingie that keep him from rolling away and changes into other things... We slept there and in the morning we got up and went to Rosco's and had some chicken and waffles yummmmm!!

Then we were off to visit aunt Virgina and that group. I thought we were going to have a big get together, but apparently some of the fam was out of town or already had plans or something. But we did get to see Kathy and 2 of her boys. She took us down to Huntington Beach and we got Balboa bars, they are sooo yummy! It's ice cream on a stick dipped in chocolate then rolled in your choice of toppings. Makes for a very happy preggo chick! haha. We had a BBQ at Virginia's, Cali has some of the best fruits and veggies. We decided we had to stop at the store and bring some home with us.

Sunday was the day we had to head home but we went out for breakfast at a really cool place called Break of Dawn, very yummy! Then we were off to the beach! We went to Dana Point, it was so nice there, wow!! It was a bit overcast but it was still nice and the water wasn't too cold (after you got use to it) so we played in the water a little bit. It was a nice short visit, but its always nice to go home and sleep in your own bed... and put your legs up so they don't look like marshmallows!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun get a way! Nice to get away from the heat you guys are having!
