Thursday, October 31, 2013

My thoughts...

First of all I need to say we have a new member of the family!! Michael and Simi's daughter Mersadie was born Oct 25th! She's adorable and we're so excited for them and I can't wait to get my hands on her and give her lots of love. It's fun that she and Alison are only 4 month apart! I'm happy with the decisions we've made, life isn't easy. Being able to be a part of Simi & Mersadie's lives confirms that and I'm glad I followed my heart by sticking by Simi when she choose to follow her own heart. I love Simi very much, and Michael and his whole family have been nothing but wonderful to us. I wish them all a lifetime of happiness.

This brings me to my next point. It's Halloween today, which means it's the start of the holiday season. It's such a conflicting time for me. There is so much about this time of year that I love but other parts of it just don't feel right to me. I love the weather changing, the smell and feel of a brisk morning. The fresh smell of rain on a winter day. Wearing comfy, warm sweaters. Cuddling close with loved ones. Spending lots of time and making memories with family and friends. Eating amazing meals and treats thoughtfully made by people close to us. Enjoying drinks, fun and laughter with everyone! It really is fun! Thanksgiving is my favorite, we all know that! After that it gets a bit tricky for me...

I do not look forward to the materialistic part of the holidays. I hate thinking we don't have enough money to buy things for everyone or that we can't buy enough "stuff" and really, why is it so damn materialistic?!? Also we are not religious so my views on Jesus and whatnot are totally different than the way Christmas is celebrated. I don't think Jesus would want us all pretending there is a Santa who gives all the rich kids everything they want but the poor children get very little or get whatever is donated. Such bullshit. And now there's this elf of the shelf who watches your kids and tells Santa if you're being good? Umm no... I can't bring myself to participate in it. I place a very high value on telling my children the truth, even if it's hard sometimes. So, we will not be having Santa or the stupid Elf thing either. My mom finds this appalling, she says we're taking the fun out of it. I say we're just going to celebrate in our own way. But we haven't came up with exactly how yet. I want our children to know the value of helping others in need. For several years we have participated in the Angel Tree program as a way to give to those in need. So I think if we explain to our kids that Christmas is about a really cool guy named Jesus who always wanted to do good things for people they will be ok with that. Maybe they can pick a tag off the tree and pick out things for the kids who don't have warm jackets or toys. And to be grateful for whatever anyone has given them no matter what the cost. I hug and a smile is a wonderful gift and doesn't cost anything. I want them to celebrate family, friends, happiness and love. Not an Xbox or whatever fancy new overpriced toy is out. I don't think this will screw them up or take the fun out of the holidays. At least I hope not. I hope my children will respect the choice we made and know it wasn't the easy way. By the way, this goes for the Easter bunny too... but that's for a different time!

Those are my thoughts! :-) I have a lot to catch up on, like our vacation! Woohoo!! And how fast my babies are growing baby chugalug is 4 months old already!! Ahh... ok maybe I can post that all soon with some Halloween photos!

Lots of love