Tuesday, February 8, 2011

5 months!

Ok - I know I keep saying I will get better at keeping up with this blog but it seems like I keep getting worse!

Jadon is now 5 months old!! He is such a funny little dude. Over the past month he has started eating cereal, learned to roll from his back to tummy (he kind of gets his arm stuck though) and he can almost sit up on his own! Such an amazing process to watch him grow and learn. He likes to "talk" and giggle. He really likes to reach for my phone, lucky for him I just got a new phone so he will be able to push the buttons and play with the old one.

Both sets of grandparents really enjoy the time they get to spend with Jadon which really makes it nice. He loves his grandparents too - he just lights up when he sees any of them. Such a cutie!

I recently bought a jogging stroller and we have gone out a couple times with it so far and he seems to like it, in fact he has fallen asleep both times. I lost all the weight I gained while pregnant a while ago and lost some beyond that but I would really like to get into better shape and live a healthy lifestyle, it'll be good for me and for Jadon too. Chad has been eating more vegetarian foods which is pretty cool. I enjoy having yummy home cooked meals with him. He still enjoys meat and animal products and has no intention to give them up which is fine so I think he really enjoys when we do go out to eat haha.

Well, that's all the updates I can think of for the moment. The upcoming weeks are going to be busy. Cody, Brandi, Jordyn & Aspyn will be here next week (very excited to meet Aspyn and see them!) Chad's birthday and our anniversary is also this month. We are going to Vegas overnight and I have something pretty fun planned - I hope Chad enjoys it.

Hope all is well for everyone. Love you all!