Thursday, July 29, 2010

"You've got mail"

I LOVE to get stuff in the mail. I get so excited if there is something cool in the mail or a package at the door! So yesterday when we got home there was a pretty big box by the front door from Chad's sister Cheri and her family for Jadon. I should have been good and waited until Sunday to open it (for the baby shower)... but I was too excited so I decided to open it! They we're so sweet to get us so much, she got us a boppy pillow, which is something I REALLY wanted. A cover for it, a glow worm (every kiddo has to have one you know!) and some really cute clothes. I took a picture but I forgot the camera at home, oppsie. So I'll have to try to remember to upload the pic when I get home. She also sent us a new pic of the kids and their cute doggie, I need to get a frame so I can hang it up on the foyer wall with all the other pics.

I cant wait for Sunday to get here to have the baby shower and get to spend time with family and friends! It's going to be so fun. It'll be cool to see all cute things people have gotten for baby Jadon too! I'm sure I will have lots of pics and updates after that!


  1. Cheri really is pretty nice! Sure hope we can meet her soon. Can't wait to see pics of the baby shower! Sorry we can't be there.

  2. She really is, I hope we can meet them soon too! I'm going to get my blog updated today, I've been a little busy!
