Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tummy Time

Jadon was being happy and enjoying tummy time in his crib this morning. He's defiantly a morning person and he likes to get up very early!! We've been working on rolling over - he did it once all by himself but I'm trying not to get too excited in case it was a fluke :o)


  1. He is SO cute!!! And SO big :))) PLaydate soon?? :)

  2. Yes for sure! I was thinking of that the other day!! Maybe after Christmas?

  3. Awww, he is so dang cute! That's so exciting that he rolled over. Soon he will be on the move! Loves

  4. For sure! He did it again yesterday to show grandma and daddy! But today when I pulled out the video camera he wasn't having any part of it - little stinker! Although he was trying really hard to pull himself up to sit when he was on my lap... Its so fun to watch him learn and grow! I can't wait to hear you say Kelsey is doing more stuff - her little smile is adorable! Love ya
