Thursday, August 26, 2010

37 and 1/2 weeks!

Wow we're getting close!

Over the last week or so we have been getting more stuff ready for Jadon's arrival. My parents came over last Thursday and helped clean and get stuff in order. We sorted and took off all the tags on all his little clothes. He has quite the wardrobe! We got most of his laundry done... That was a lot of laundry since we had all his blankeys and bedding and whatnot. We still have to get the decorations up on the walls and get the hospital bag packed and his carseat installed. Hopefully we can get all that taken care of this weekend. We're starting to run out of time! lol.

This weeks Dr appt went well, Jadon is measuring right on track now so I was happy to know he had grown. Although with his continued growth it's getting quite cramped in there which I imagine is getting quite uncomfy for the both of us! Even though he has already dropped I am having bouts of breathing issues the last couple of days, they seem to be mostly in the morning. I plan to bring it up to the Dr on Monday. Jadon hasn't been moving as much has he had been, which is pretty normal but Dr wanted to check on him so they sent us over to the hospital for a non stress test. The nurse that did our labor class was there, it was nice to see a familiar face and to know where we were going and what to expect. I'm really glad we took that class. Anyhow, baby was sleepy so he wasn't moving much. After a while they gave me some OJ and had me roll on my side, that woke him up pretty well and they released us.

Oh, I went swimming with my mom last Sunday, that felt pretty nice, I think if we get everything done (or enough of it done) I will go again this weekend. It seemed to help with the marshmallow feet :o)


  1. We LOVED the pool when I was that preggo!!! ROck on mama!! SO close now :))))

  2. It's pretty exciting to be so close! I'm really trying to enjoy the last days of carrying him inside of me.
