Friday, August 27, 2010

Ivy's baby shower

It's today! I wish I could be there but Jadon's due date is just too close for me to travel over 300 miles away from home. Even though today I am feeling great and I'm so tempted to get in the car and go, I know it's not the best idea. But she'll be in my thoughts and I hope she has a great time!!

It's so cool that I have been able to go through pregnancy with so many people we know. But it's so special to be able to share this time with Ivy. I wish we lived closer together but that's just not the way the cookie crumbles. It's really neat that Jadon and Kelsey will only be a couple months apart in age since Ivy and I are only about 5 weeks apart. Not having any siblings I have a couple ladies who are like sisters to me - I don't know if I would be any closer to them if we shared parents! And Ivy is one of them. I love her lots!!

I made baby Kelsey a blankey, I really like it and I hope baby Kelsey does too! We also got her a few other things. Putting things into a box just isn't the same as being able to make a fun gift basket to give to someone in person though. Ivy, Amanda and LeeAnn made Jadon so many great things (blankets, burp clothes and even a night light! Not to mention all the help they did for the shower with Becky) that making Kelsey just one blanket doesn't seem like enough, but I'm not so crafty. I'm glad I got the blanket done in time though, considering I still have 4 others sitting there waiting for me!

Anyhow, I just wanted to take a min today to write down my thoughts, I thought it might make me feel better about not being able to be there with her - but I think it's making it worse!


  1. Ahh... Danie'l, thanks for everything you have done for me and Kelsey. The blanket is so adorable, and all the clothes you got her are so cute! Am glad I was able to open them at the shower. (The outfits your mom and dad gave us are so cute too!) I was thinking a lot about you yesterday! It's funny how being so closely along in our pregnancies has been so great, and now closer to the end it's almost sad because we can't be together... Every time I think of you having Jadon I get all sad that I won't be there for you. I really want to share that experience with you! But at least we can talk, text and blog each other a lot! Thanks again for being a great friend and sister. Love ya lots.

  2. You're too sweet. I wish we could be there for each other when the babies come. We're so lucky we live in a age of technology so we can share info so fast. I'll have Chad put your number in his phone so he can keep you updated during delivery and whatnot.
