Tuesday, August 17, 2010

36 weeks!

We went to our 36 week appointment yesterday. Crazy to think we're really at this point!

I'm apparently the worried mother type. The Dr said everything is ok and looks great, but I just worry a little when things change. Jadon is no longer measuring a week and 1/2 ahead, in fact the measurements were the same this week as last. I asked the Dr about it and he said Jadon has dropped pretty deep into my pelvis which is why the measurements are the same. Also his heart rate was lower than it has been at a base line of 128 when its usually up in the 150's. He said its normal for that to happen towards the end of pregnancy. His heart sounded good since it accelerates when he moves around. We talked about when to go to the hospital and he told me to keep an eye on the baby's movements.

So, Jadon is fine, I'm just a worry wart! lol. I'm filled with all sorts of emotions now and I'm sure that will continue until (and after) he arrives. I want to hold our child, I want to see him and know he is ok. I want him to be healthy and happy, God willing he will be. I'm not scared of my end of the delivery like the pain and whatnot. I hate to think of the what if's though, I really try not to. But I know it's a reality, even for a small percent of people. I do not want us to have to be in that percent. I do what I can to be healthy and take care of Jadon while he is inside me. Dr Ofori has been really great and he is very happy with the way our pregnancy is going. I don't take that for granted at all, we are very very lucky to have had such a text book pregnancy (so far) with my history. Maybe that's why I'm a little worried, it's almost too good to be true! Like we are living in a dream...

On a lighter note, we were very busy this weekend! We went shopping to get everything we still needed after the showers. It feels great to have everything either in his room on on the way. We spent a few hours putting things together like his changing table, swing, bouncer and diaper genie. We still need to decorate his room and wash all his little clothes and install his carseat in the car. Then we will be ready for his arrival and to bring him home! Mom and Dad refinished the cradle. It's the cradle I slept in when I was a baby and we have let several other people use it over the years and now we finally get to use it!! Anyhow, it turned out great, it's black and it looks brand new! We just need to pick it up from my parents place and put it in our room. I'll have to take a picture of it once we have it all setup!

That's all for now!


  1. Try not to worry! It will all be ok. This baby is meant to be! I still can't believe you are so close. I'm way super excited for you guys. Post a picture of his room when you can. We would love to see it! Love you guys!!

  2. As soon as we get his room more organized I'll take pics. It's quite the disaster in there right now! lol

  3. So close now D!!! So excited for your little fam!! Cannot wait till we are out there and we can meet your little guy and you guys can meet Maggie :)))) Thinking of you daily!

  4. I can't wait for us to meet Maggie too! She is so dang cute! Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts :o)
