Friday, January 7, 2011

4 months!

Well it's be 4 months since Jadon arrived!

Chad has been really busy with work so my mom went with me to his 4 month check up and shots. He was such a good boy. He's 14lbs 13oz and 25.2inches long which puts him in the 50% for weight and I think 67th% for height.

Dr. Smith said he is growing and learning just like he should. The only issue is that he really favors laying on his right side which has caused him to have a rather flat head. Lately though he has been a little better about laying on his left side and now that he is able to be in his bouncy seat and highchair and enjoys tummy time a little more he is spending less time on his back which should help. We really hope it does help if not then in a few months he will have to be sent to a specialist and be fitted for a helmet... so lay on the other side kid!

She also said that he can start eating rice cereal anytime now so we're going to get him some and try it out. He babbles and likes to sit or stand, he can hold his own weight up for a while standing and he really like that. He likes to cry before he goes to sleep now which isn't so nice but it doesn't usually last too long. And he still likes to rub the left side of his head when he's sleepy which has made his hair kind of thin over there (poor child's head!)... he is so cute and loving. I think his Daddy is his favorite person right now - he just lights up when he sees or hears him, it's very cute. And he really likes it when Daddy makes him clap his little hands - he lets out some really big laughs so funny.

Anyhow, that's his 4 month update! Can't hardly believe it's going by so fast. I'm really happy he is so healthy and such a good little boy!

Love you all!


  1. It's crazy how fast time is going by and how fast they grow! I want to see pictures!

  2. It's way crazy! I know - I suck at adding pics lately!
