Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 weeks

Well Jadon is now 3 weeks old! Time is really flying and it's hard to find time to keep this blog updated. Jadon is doing really well. We went for his 2 week checkup and got his circumcision done. He had gained weight he is up to 6lbs 8oz. Which is really good and also means we don't have to wake him for feedings, its not something we had to do often but it's nice that he can sleep as long as he would like at night now. He did quite well with his procedure, poor little guy. I'm glad we took care of it now though instead of when he is older. He is pretty much healed now which means he will be able to have a real bath pretty soon!

Our son is pretty amazing... He has everyone wrapped around his little fingers! He's so cute and lovable and smart too! We're getting use to day to day life with a baby. He usually only cries when he is hungry (which is often! I can't keep up so we are supplementing with formula to keep him happy and full) or when he needs to poop, or when he needs a diaper change or once in a while he just cries and we dont know why. That usually happens around 7pm, we have decided that is bewitching hour and we just try to comfort him. Someday maybe we'll figure out what is up with that. He's very strong! He has been able to roll from side to side since he was about a day old, he holds his head up really well and turns to look at whatever catches his beautiful eyes. He can really kick hard too and if you hold him in a standing position he will try to support his weight. He knows how to take the binky out of his mouth, sometimes he can get it back in on his own but not every time, which frustrates him. He defiantly is developing a personality, we can't wait to see more of that shine through.

My parents have been really helpful! Mom comes over to help out when Chad is at work. It's really nice to have the help and my mom really loves spending time with her grandson. They have been really helping with the house work too since Chad is super busy with work and I had a hard time recovering for a couple weeks. Now I'm getting better and I should be more useful soon!

In other news Ivy had Kelsey!! Jadon and Kelsey are 2 weeks apart! Ivy's blood pressure was high and they just couldn't get it under control so they had to induce her. Kelsey was born 9-20-10 she was 4lbs 2.5oz. She gets to go home today!!She is sooo cute and I cant wait to meet her!! Congrats Ivy and Jeff - you're going to be great parents!!

Here is a picture of Jadon at 2 weeks! Taken by our favorite photographer!


  1. I'm so glad that everything is going well and that you all are adjusting! He's such a cute little man!!

  2. He is so handsome!! Love the pic of him! So happy to hear your little fam is adjusting wonderfully!
