Wednesday, September 29, 2010

8 Years!

Well I tried to get this post done yesterday but Jadon wasn't going to let that happen lol.

It's been 8 years since I married the love of my life, my best friend and sole mate! Wow - that day doesn't seem that long ago. What an amazing anniversary - we have Jadon. That is the best gift we could ever have. Chad is an amazing husband. He is very understanding, patient and caring. He takes care of me emotionally and physically whenever I need caring for. Seeing him as a father has made me fall even more in love with him. The gentle loving way he cares for our son is beyond words and melts my heart. I'm truly lucky to have him.

I don't ever want to lose sight that he is my husband and partner in life, not only the father of our child. We're going to try to take time to nurture our marriage and take time for just us. I know sometimes it will be hard but it's very important to us and to Jadon for us to have a strong marriage. My parents tended Jadon so we could go out for dinner. It was a bit hard to leave him for a couple hours, but I knew he was in good hands. It was nice to get out of the house and spend time with just Chad and eat dinner without having to rush.

I can't really put into words the way I feel about Chad. I can just say I'm very very happy. I'm really loving life right now and enjoying every moment!

Love you babe!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats and happy anniversary to you two!! :))) Well said about nurturing your guys' marriage. I love it!!!
