Thursday, September 16, 2010

Labor Day! 9- 6-2010

I was starting to get some irregular contractions for about a week. Thursday I decided that I wanted a pedicure, I hadn't ever had one but I couldn't stand my toes any more, so I took 1/2 day off on Friday and went and got my toes done, I took mom with me too. Then Mom and I went to St George on Saturday,I had the urge to buy some baby clothes and since it was Labor Day weekend I was sure we could find some deals, and we did. I wasn't having any noticeable contractions or anything so I was thinking walking a lot makes the baby come was a myth. Then Sunday Chad and I went about our normal day, we went out for breakfast and took his parents to the grocery store. By that time I was getting more frequent contractions and Chad decided we should monitor them, so he downloaded an app on his phone and we started keeping track.

My contractions were about 5 min apart and were lasting about a min. They didn't hurt bad, they just felt like mild period cramps. We had plans to eat dinner with our parents at my parents at 5:30. So at about 2 I decided maybe we should go to the hospital to get things checked out, I figured we should go then that way we could avoid me worrying about it or having to go in the middle of dinner or middle of the night. I figured it was just false labor and we would be home in time for dinner...

I was wrong... I was dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced and at -2 station so they told me they were keeping us and we would be having Jadon by morning! When we arrived at the hospital our nurse Sallie was there. I was so happy to see her, I thought she would be off so it was a great surprise!

I didn't want the epidural right away since I wasn't in much pain. After a couple hours of slow progression they decided I need to be on platosin to speed things up. That drug causes your contractions to be closer together and more painful. But I was doing ok with it for a while. Then about 6pm I was starting to hurt pretty bad, I was dilated to a 6 so I told the nurse I would like to get my epidural about 6:30. By 6:30 I was really hurting so I was very happy to see the anesthesiologist. Once he placed the meds I was totally relieved, I could feel things but not pain so I was very happy!

They continued to let my body progress and would turn up the drip on the platosin every once in a while. My parents left to go get some rest since we thought it would probably be morning before Jadon made his appearance. Well they came back in and decided they should get this going so they wanted to break my water. I think I was about a 9 at that point. So Chad called my parents back to the hospital, they didn't get much rest since it had only been a couple hours.

Magda came to visit, she was so great! She ended up staying for the whole birth, which was so relieving so have someone we know so close to be there with all her knowledge. We are truly luck to have so many people who love and care for us!

Anyhow, Dr Ofori came in a broke the water, there was very thick meconium (baby's 1st poop). Which is very scary since when the baby takes it's 1st breath they can aspirate. I started to get upset and scared, we want Jadon more than anything and we want him to get out and be ok. There was a risk of getting a c-section if we couldn't get him out quick enough or if he went into distress. So I knew I had to focus and get him out.

It was time to push... I focused and put all of my energy into every push. I had to push for almost and hour. Dr Ofori had to use a kiwi which is a suction thing that helps get baby out. Once Jadon's head was out Dr suctioned him and then we delivered the rest of him. Chad wasn't able to cut the cord since the situation was urgent so Dr Ofori cut the cord and Jadon started to cry. That was the best sound ever. I knew our baby was ok. They handed him over to the pediatrician and nurse so they could work on him and make sure he was ok. He was fine, his score was an 8 or 9 and they were surprised how clear his lungs were. Magda was great at letting us know what was going on and keeping me comfy.

So 11 hours after we arrived at the hospital Jadon Dade Survis arrived on Labor Day 9-6-10 at 12:48am. He weighed in at 6lbs 5oz 20inches long. He had his eyes open right from birth and has been very alert and active ever since! He had a bit of jaundice so he had to be under the lights for 12 hours but he seems to be quite fine now!

Happy birthday Jadon!! We're overjoyed to have you in our lives!

I'm so glad my parents were there to share this moment with us! Chad, mom and Magda were great at helping me push and getting me through the process.

Here are some pictures of his birth and 1st week! Magda took most of the pictures of the birth and right after since Chad was is awe of all the happenings and his new son.

Sorry it took me so long to get this posted. I'll need to do another post soon about how great it is to have him home and what a wonderful daddy Chad is. Wow our lives are totally blissful!!


  1. I'm bawling reading this :))) SO HAPPY mom could be there for you!!! SO HAPPY for the both of you! SO HAPPY he is finally here safe!! Can't wait to meet you little man!! Love you guys!! See you sooooon :))))

  2. thanks!! I wish I had more time and was a better writer, I left so much out!!

  3. So glad to finally read your story & see more pictures of the little guy. I can't wait to get down there (if all goes as planned) to see you all!

  4. Ahh...What a miracle! Those pictures are so adorable! I am just so happy you guys are all doing so well. I can't wait to meet Jadon. He is so cute!

  5. Great post. such a cute little guy!
    I had the same nurse, Sallie. absolutley loved her and hated when she had to go home each day. I was there for almost a week so I wanted my sallie. I also had the same nurse deliver Briggs, she was awesome. love all your pictures. How are you guys feeling? oh yeah. Who was the pediatrician? Briggs has been seeing Jeff the PA because there was no pediatrics... maybe they lied lol. anyway congrats hes a doll

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Celeste - Sallie is the BEST isn't she, she is so sweet and comforting. There is a pediatrician here Ofori-Monty... We're taking Jadon to Dr Smith in St George since she will do his circ.
